3.c Self-Media in China | I take you as my husband, you take me as an uterus

by Mimon, Sep. 2017, English Translation

Flat Sky Under
7 min readApr 20, 2019

Will be Grateful if there’re people helping me out on translations; WeChat ID: Sheldon793

It’s too sad.
Everyone should know that the biggest hot spot in these two days is the incident of maternal jump in Shaanxi Yulin.
As for the reason for jumping off the building, the hospital and family members have their own words.
The hospital’s argument is that the mother is asking for caesarean section twice to the family because of the pain, and even kneeling down to her family.
The doctor in charge also recommended that the family have a Caesarean section, but these requirements were rejected by the family.
The maternal husband wrote in the notice of illness: “The situation is known: vaginal delivery is required, and the accident is forgiven; the situation is known: the intravenous drip oxytocin is required to induce labor, and the accident is forgiven.”
Yes, forgive me…

However, the biggest accident has occurred…
The mother climbed onto the window sill and jumped off the 5th floor.
The rhetoric of the family is that they do not disagree with caesarean section and everything is the responsibility of the hospital. The matter is still being debated by both sides.
I just want to say a common-sense judgment: the one that can bring us fatal injuries is often not the outsider, but the closest person around me.
Really able to force a woman to die, compared to the disappointment of the hospital, is more likely to be desperate for her husband.
If it is a hospital problem, the mother will definitely unite with the family, make trouble with the hospital, or change to a hospital.
But with a little hope, there is a little warmth, and a woman will not choose to go to death in such a fierce way with the child who is about to be born.
The reason why most people commit suicide is to suddenly find that they have nothing to do with the world.
The reason why she jumped from the building was mostly extreme despair and chilling, because no one understood, because there was no one behind.
Giving birth to a child is the most vulnerable moment in a woman’s life.
However, many men did not realize it.
First, women experience extreme pain in their physiology.
I interviewed a lot of girls who had children, they said, how painful is it? It is the doctor who cuts your vagina with scissors, but does not need anesthesia. Because the pain of the child itself is far greater than the pain of scissors cutting meat.
How much pain does caesarean section have? You come out of the operating room, and there is a big scar of more than ten centimeters on your stomach. Once the anesthetic is over, as soon as you move it a little, it will burst like pain.
When I went to the bathroom, my legs shook.
Half of the urine, painful to rest for a while, take a deep breath, in order to urinate half.
Second, women are psychologically and have experienced extreme fear.
Lying on the operating table, the shadowless lamp slammed and was anesthetized. You are conscious. You will feel the doctor holding the knife, cut your belly layer by layer, and cut your uterus…
We are like a pile of machine parts that are being cut, waiting to be reassembled.
At this time, what we need is that my husband is unconditionally standing on our side and understanding our pain and helplessness.
Some husbands did not.
Today, my colleague and I went to the delivery room of two hospitals in Beijing to observe what the man was doing when his wife gave birth to a child.
It turns out that many plots on TV are deceptive.
On the TV, the mother gave birth to a child inside, and her husband waited anxiously outside, squatting and screaming.
As soon as there is a little movement, the man will immediately rush to the hospital and ask the medical staff. “How is my wife? Is she okay?”
In reality, it is not the husband who is doing this, but the mother and mother. They couldn’t sit for a minute, they stood at the door of the delivery room and waited nervously. And most of my husband, sitting in the rest area, nervous… playing games.
Sitting in a chair playing with a mobile phone. Sitting on the suitcase and playing with the phone. We saw a fat man calling his wife at the door of the delivery room.
The fat man said:
“How many beds are you? 12 beds?”
You quickly ask the doctor, I am waiting for you at the door, or go home first?
Anyway, you don’t have to be born anymore, I can’t get in…
I took my mother to eat downstairs, and you loved it.
Something to call us later. The phone was not hung up yet, and he and his mother rushed to the elevator door lightly, blocking the elevator door that was about to close, and took the elevator downstairs.
I have never seen a fat man running so fast.
We have carefully observed that when the mother is married, the family’s equipment is different.
Men and other wives, personal belongings are: mobile phones, wallets, cigarettes, water, charging treasures…
Mom and other daughters, personal belongings are: longan brown sugar, vegetables, soup…
We also saw a scene in which a woman was still in the operating room and the child was first sent out.
Husband and mother-in-law immediately excitedly surrounded me, carrying the camera, all the way to shoot, and kindly yelled at the baby, “Baby, watching Dad, laughing one…”
After taking a long time, my husband suddenly remembered, as if something was happening, he forgot.
He said, “Hey, my wife?”
I interviewed a senior obstetrician and gynaecologist in Beijing. She said that one of the most impressive scenes was that in the winter, when she was working at night, a pregnant woman had just finished, and her husband and her husband’s family ran to take pictures of the children. Also ask wifi password, to send a circle of friends.
The mother is lying alone in the bed.
On the corridor that day, it was very cold and the mother was a little trembling.
The maternal father immediately took off his coat and covered his daughter.
He is very thin and has only one short sleeve left on his body. At the same time, the maternal husband, who is tall and strong, is also very thick, but he did not expect to do something for his wife.
Really, a man loves not to love you, only obstetrics and gynecology knows.
In obstetrics and gynaecology, one can best see the sort of value of a man’s heart.
Is it important to be a wife or a child?
The obstetrician I interviewed said that she had been in business for 10 years and had given birth to about a thousand children. There is only one man who asks her during the visit. “Doctor, can you make my wife less guilty?”
I asked her if the other men had said something similar.
She thought for a long time, then she said affirmatively, no.
What a lot of husbands and mother-in-laws care about is how to do better in the process of having children.
For example, some husbands have heard that it is not good for children to fight painlessly (but they can’t say where it is not good), they will tell the doctor, can you not beat the painless needle?
Between the child and the wife, some husbands chose the child.
Is it important to be a wife or money?
Some husbands will choose money.
For example, the doctor said that the painless needle can not be reimbursed (this is comfortable medical care, medical insurance does not support), and some husbands will hesitate to try to convince his wife, “Can you bear it?”
For example, caesarean section is more expensive than normal, and some husbands will say, “Don’t spend that money…”
For them, the feelings of the wife and the pain of the wife are not so valuable.
Is it important to be a wife or a mother?
The common situation in obstetrics and gynecology is that sometimes, the mother wants to have a caesarean section, and her husband has a soft snack.
As a result, the mother-in-law said, “It is good for children to have a good birth, and if you can have a second child within two years, you will have a good birth.”
Husband immediately turned down, listen to his mother’s words, this will especially make the maternal despair.
Sometimes, the mother is very painful, can’t help but yell, and her husband has a bit of pain.
As a result, the mother-in-law said, “Is there such a pain? I used to have a child, and I will go to the next day. The woman is a delicate woman.”
The old man immediately said, “Also, other women can be born, how can you do so much?” He said these words, it is better to tie a knife directly on his wife.
Going to fuck, other men still have 18 cm, other men can still be 2 hours at a time, how can you not? !
After all, what men do to make this the most sad thing is that you didn’t treat me as your favorite person, not even treating me as a family member.
I treat you as a husband, you treat me as a uterus.
For you, I am just a machine that can have children.
Who cares about the feeling of a machine?
Who cares about a machine that hurts?
Who cares if a machine will jump off the building?
When I first got married, men always vowed to say that no matter how old or sick, no matter how poor or rich, regardless of illness or health, I am willing to love her forever, respect her, protect her, never give up in life…
Women tend to take it seriously.
However, in just a few years, in the delivery room, they completely forgot this vow.
Only when you have a baby can you really recognize the man around you.
It turns out that marriage is not the tomb of love, the delivery room is.

