Renting vs. Buying Furniture: What’s the Best Option for Flatmates?

8 min readFeb 8, 2024


The dilemma of renting vs. buying furniture

As flatmates, one of the biggest decisions you’ll face when you move in is whether to rent or buy furniture for your shared living space. It’s a dilemma that many flatmates struggle with, as both options have advantages and disadvantages. In this blog, we’ll explore the pros and cons of renting furniture versus buying furniture whether new or second-hand, and provide you with helpful tips to make the best decision for your flatshare.

Pros and cons of renting furniture

Renting furniture can offer several advantages for flatmates. One of the biggest benefits is cost savings. Renting furniture allows you to furnish your flat without a large upfront investment. Instead, you can pay a monthly rental fee, which is often more affordable than buying new or second-hand furniture. Additionally, renting furniture gives you the flexibility to change your style or upgrade your pieces as needed without the commitment of ownership.

But.. hold your horses, my friend!

There are also drawbacks to renting furniture. One major downside is that you don’t own the furniture, so you have very limited control over its quality and durability. Rental furniture may not be as sturdy or long-lasting as furniture you would purchase, though the issue of quality, durability & longevity is very common in second-hand furniture purchases. Additionally, you may be limited in terms of customization options, as rental furniture tends to be more standardized.

Pros and cons of buying furniture

On the other hand, looking at the brighter side, which tends to be a bit expensive, buying furniture has its own set of advantages. When you purchase furniture, you have complete control over the quality and style of the pieces you choose. You can invest in high-quality furniture that will last for years, and you have the freedom to personalize your space to your liking. Buying furniture also gives you a sense of ownership and allows you to build a collection of pieces that reflect your taste.

However as mentioned at the start, buying furniture can be a significant financial commitment. The upfront cost of purchasing furniture can be quite high, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Additionally, if you decide to move or change your living situation, you’ll need to arrange for the transportation of your furniture, which can be a logistical challenge.

Now, many people around you, probably your flatmates with whom you are gonna share a home and a lot of expenses too, will suggest buying second-hand furniture items which of course tends to be a cheaper option compared to the former but it comes with a lot of added responsibilities and liabilities like servicing, damage repair and the headache of selling it again once you decide to change your living situation to some other city.

Factors to consider when deciding between renting and buying

When deciding between renting and buying furniture be it second-hand or brand-new, there are several factors to look into. First and foremost, you should evaluate your budget and financial situation. If you have limited funds or are unsure about your long-term plans, renting furniture may be the more practical option. On the other hand, if you have the means and are looking for a long-term investment, buying furniture may be the better choice financially.

Another important factor is your style and preferences because you’ll be living with it every day. After a long day at work, a person needs to come back to a place where he feels the most comfortable and relaxed. If you enjoy having control over your living space and want to create a unique, personalized environment, buying furniture allows for more customization and in this case, buying out second-hand furniture essentials would be a cheaper option if you have a budget constraint.

However, if you prefer a more flexible and hassle-free approach, renting furniture provides the convenience of easily changing your furnishings.

Cost Comparison: Renting vs. buying furniture

To help you make an informed decision, let’s compare the cost of renting versus buying furniture. Renting furniture typically involves a monthly fee, which can range from a few hundred to a few thousand rupees, depending on the quality and quantity of the pieces you choose. Over time, these rental fees can add up and potentially exceed the cost of buying furniture which is why it is crucial to first judge how long you’re gonna need the furniture for.

On the other hand, buying furniture requires an upfront investment. The cost of purchasing furniture varies widely depending on the type of furniture and where you shop. It’s important to shop around and compare prices to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Keep in mind that while buying furniture may be more expensive initially, it can be a cost-effective option if seen in the long run i.e. if you plan to keep the furniture for an extended period.

Flexibility and convenience of renting furniture

Now let’s dig deep into one of the biggest advantages of renting furniture, which is the flexibility it provides. If you’re unsure about your long-term plans or frequently move, renting furniture allows you to easily adapt to changing circumstances. You can select furniture that fits your current space and needs, and if you decide to move or upgrade, you can return the rented furniture and choose new pieces of your choice.

Renting furniture also offers convenience. Most rental companies provide delivery, assembly, and pickup services, saving you time and effort. Additionally, if any repairs or maintenance are needed, the rental company will handle it for you. This convenience can be especially beneficial for busy flatmates who don’t have the time or desire to deal with the logistics of buying and maintaining furniture.

Personalization and long-term investment in buying furniture

While renting furniture offers flexibility, buying furniture allows for more personalization and long-term investment. When you buy furniture, you have the freedom to choose pieces that align with your style and preferences. You can select furniture that reflects your personality and create a space that feels like home.

Buying furniture is also a long-term investment. High-quality furniture can last for decades, providing comfort and functionality for years to come. You can pass down your furniture to future flatmates or sell it if you decide to upgrade or move. This long-term investment can outweigh the initial cost of buying furniture and provide you with a sense of stability and ownership. Adding on to this you must be 100% ready to undertake the hassles of maintenance and reselling of the furniture pieces you buy.

What furniture essentials to rent & what to buy?

In addition to furniture, renting appliances can be a cost-effective option for flatmates. Appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and televisions can be quite expensive to purchase outright. Renting appliances allows you to spread the cost over time and avoid a large upfront payment.

Renting appliances also provides peace of mind. Most rental companies offer maintenance and repair services, so you don’t have to worry about unexpected expenses if something goes wrong. Additionally, if you decide to upgrade or your needs change, you can easily return the rented appliances and choose new ones.

On the other side, there are some very important furniture essentials which we’ll recommend that you buy and more importantly buy brand new instead of going for a second-hand purchase, most important of which are mattresses and chairs because sleeping and sitting in the right posture comfortably is very important for all young professionals like you, especially with such fast-paced and stressful daily routines.

Tips for choosing the best option for flatmates

To help you make the best decision for your flatshare, here are some key tips to consider:

  1. Evaluate your budget and financial situation: Determine how much you’re willing to spend upfront and how much you can afford in terms of monthly rental fees or furniture purchases.
  2. Consider your long-term plans: If you’re unsure about your living situation or frequently move, renting furniture may be the more practical choice.
  3. Think about your style and preferences: If you value customization and want to create a unique space, buying furniture allows for more personalization.
  4. Research rental companies and furniture stores: Compare prices, read reviews, and consider the quality and selection of furniture and appliances offered. A few of the popular ones are “Furlenco” and “Rentomojo.
  5. Communicate with your flatmates: Discuss your options and preferences with your flatmates to ensure everyone is on the same page and can make a collective decision.

Conclusion: Make the right decision for your flatshare

In conclusion, the decision between renting and buying furniture for your flatshare ultimately depends on your budget, personal preferences, and long-term plans. Renting furniture offers flexibility and convenience, while buying furniture allows for personalization and long-term investment. Consider factors such as cost, style, and convenience when making your decision, and don’t forget to communicate with your flatmates to ensure everyone is satisfied and on the same page.

Additionally to support your decision Shelf will always help you to pool your funds together with your flatmates and pay for all the shared expenses seamlessly be it a monthly rental or a one-time investment to buy essentials. Pooling funds on Shelf will also help you and your flatmates to increase your purchasing power as a collective so that you can go for some big purchases without being individually burdened by money problems.

All your shared payments from rent, and utility bills to furniture purchases or rentals are covered via Shelf eliminating the hassles of “who owes what.”

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