Soul Speak

Shelley Summer
3 min readMar 30, 2019

Has your soul ever spoken to you? Like really nagged you until you finally took notice and did something about it? For example, for years I wanted to be an artist…a painter. I can remember my mom taking me to the beautiful High Museum of Art in Atlanta as a child and drawing with chalk under the gorgeous Alexander Calder sculpture on the sidewalk. I would take class after class and would consistently be discouraged. My high school art teacher actually told me once that it was pointless for me to even take art. That’s not discouraging or anything right? I went so far as to major in the most useless, but beautiful major in college, Art History. Art is my thing, but I could not draw anything to save my soul!

Three Up, Three Down, Alexander Calder. Image by Wally Gobetz

Fast forward many years, many classes, two marriages, and two boys, I found myself in desperate need of a release. My brand new marriage to the love of my life was already deteriorating and I needed a place to BE, without anyone else being there too. So I sat down and just painted. Right there on the carpet in front of my fireplace as an easel. I listened to that voice deep in my soul and just painted and it WORKED! I was newly 40 and had finally found my passion. Who needed to draw to create? Not this girl! The very first painting I ever created, I sold for $150 and could not believe that anyone would give me money for my creation! That special person has since bought several more pieces and will always hold a grateful…



Shelley Summer

Mom, daughter, aunt, painter, non-profit do-gooder, live music goer, lover of Greenville, SC. Now trying to be a writer too.