Keto Slim Diet- Buyer’s Guides, Testimonials & Results

Keto Slim diet
4 min readNov 8, 2018


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The keto diet, kesako?

The keto slim diet, or keto genic diet, is a slimming diet based on a diet high in fat and low in sugar. We must consume only 50 g maximum of carbohydrates per day, leaving so much protein … and lipids, up to 75% of food! Yes lose weight by eating fat, it is apparently possible! But only if you limit the sugar drastically. Including sweet beaks?

What to eat in a ketogenic diet?

As part of this diet, meat and fish are allowed, green vegetables also (as in most diets!) As well as foods rich in “good” fats and cheese (no more than 100 g per day though) , milk and yogurts. Other vegetables (less rich in fiber and higher in carbohydrates) are allowed, but to consume moderately. On the other hand, we must avoid foods rich in carbohydrates, that is to say, sugar of course, all sweet products, cereals, legumes, fruits (yes, even them!) …
Fat, but not just any

The keto diet is a diet based on a diet high in fat. Yes, but not just any! To have a real slimming effect, it will be necessary to focus on products rich in monounsaturated fats (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts …). Conversely, foods rich in omega-6 are to be limited (sunflower oil first).
But why do you lose weight when you eat fat?

Are you doubtful about the effectiveness of such a plan? However, the principle is simple, even if at first sight fat and thinness do not mix The ketogenic diet works well, provided again to respect the very low sugar consumption and the priority to good fats.

By limiting the intake of carbohydrates, the body, which draws in first to give the necessary energy to the body, will therefore draw on the reserves of carbohydrates (glycogen). The losses of calories are then important. Then, the body will draw in lipids, rejecting ketone bodies, responsible for “ketosis”, causing a loss of appetite. The loss of weight therefore comes from this state of ketosis, when one feeds in smaller quantity.

What is a ketogenic diet?

ketogenic diet foods

Have you ever heard of the ketogenic diet? Chances are yes. It sometimes uses its English name “keto diet” (ketogenic diet), the expression “ketogenic diet” or “keto diet”. But what is the ketogenic diet, exactly?

The ketogenic diet is a diet low in carbohydrates, consisting mainly of high-fat foods. In other words: you eat a lot of fat and reduce your carbohydrate intake to the maximum.

The diet keto is similar to low carb diets (the Atkins diet, for example) on many points.

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However, there is a difference between a ketogenic diet and a low carbohydrate diet:

The low carbohydrate diet, as the name suggests, is mainly about avoiding carbohydrates.

The ketogenic diet advocates a diet rich in lipids to stimulate fat burning. You significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake and replace it with large amounts of fat.

After a few days, the elimination of carbohydrates (the body converts carbohydrates into glucose, the main source of energy in the body) places the body in a metabolic state called ketosis.

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is the state in which the body starts using fat as the main source of energy. The body becomes very effective at burning fat in order to draw its energy. This process can reduce your insulin levels and stimulate fat burning .

The brain favors glucose as a source of energy. But the reserves of glucose being insufficient, the body is obliged to look for another source of energy.

The degradation of fatty acids leads to the production of ketones in the liver. Ketones provide energy to the brain, so it can continue to function (source).

Why follow a ketogenic diet?

Diets low in carbohydrates and high in fat have long been controversial. This type of diet was thought to increase cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease due to high lipid intake.

But fortunately, times are changing, and today, diets rich in lipids (healthy) are not necessarily badly seen. The ketogenic diet can help you lose a lot more weight than a diet without fat (source).

The ketogenic diet also has less obvious advantages. Eliminating (simple) carbs from your diet helps reduce peaks in your blood sugar. Your diet is mainly composed of fat, it also provides great satiety.

The main components of our diet are the three macronutrients.

The number of calories per gram differs from one nutrient to another:

Proteins: ± 4 kcal for 1 g
Carbohydrates: ± 4 kcal for 1 g
Lipids: ± 9 kcal for 1 g

A simple calculation could lead to think that you should eat as little fat as possible to lose weight. After all, they are more caloric, are not they? This is where the error lies! We must also look at the effect of each type of calorie.

The main effects of different calories on the body in terms of weight loss are:

Insulin: hormone that, produced in excess, leads to the storage of fat
Satiety: the body activates the hormones of satiety and / or inhibits the hormones of hunger

Moderate insulin production
Maximum satiety
Minimal insulin production
Moderate satiety
Carbohydrates: (important!)
Maximum insulin production
Minimal satiety

You probably understand that ingesting too many calories in the form of carbohydrates is not wise. You then produce large amounts of insulin (fat storage hormone) without being satiated.

In contrast, proteins and lipids provide much more satiety (source), so that a ketogenic diet is easier to follow over time.
Ketogenic diet and treatment of epilepsy

The benefits of the ketogenic diet are not limited to weight loss.

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