What if you could write for an exciting new series, no matter location or qualifications?

Michelle Sommerville
3 min readFeb 12, 2016

That’s where DisPLACEd comes in. With this revolutionary collaborative short story series, you’ll be able to submit short story episodes, helping to build the world, while building your own portfolio.

We are three university graduates with a passion for writing, and an aspiration to make something amazing.

The first six episodes are written by us, but what happens then is up to you. Submit your stories (general ideas, character notes, full stories, etc.), and if yours is chosen, it will become part of the DisPLACEd series. Even better, if one of the characters you create is used in later episodes, you’ll get additional credits too!

The project in a nutshell:

  • Subscribe to our website — displacedstory.wordpress.com
  • Read our first six episodes (premiering July 2016)
  • Start writing. It doesn’t matter where you live, what your study background is, how old you are, anything! You might want the episode to highlight your interest in history, biology, writing; and even if you’re not the strongest writer, we’ll handle that for you. *Only submit your own work, and nothing that breaks copyright or others’ rights.
  • Submit your work. Email us at displacedstory@mail.com. If your work is selected, we will ask you for a photo and bio to go on our ‘Meet the Writers’ page. This process will take a few months, so don’t worry if you don’t hear from us straight away. We will also try our best to acknowledge all submissions.
  • We may edit and/or combine submitted stories and ideas, but every contributor will get a credit. Once submitted, all works belong to us for the purpose of this project. This means you cannot publish it elsewhere or reveal the story details; but we will not be using it for works other than DisPLACEd. If for any reason you want to retract your submission, though we cannot guarantee it, as long as it hasn’t already been used, we will try our best.
  • While we would love to have some financial remunerations, right now this is just a way for everyone to get their writing out there, and meet others.
  • If there are people who are interested in contributing in other ways that aren’t necessarily writing, we are more than happy to accept any creative contributions such as: art work, lyrics, songs, poems, pretty much anything as long as they put their heart and own imaginative flair into it. We are very excited to develop a rich and diverse community, and hope that you will be willing to share your talents and creativity with us. You can submit through our Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr (either directly to our page or by the hash tag #displacedstory). All contributions will be credited to the creator.

We hope that you enjoy what we are putting together for you, because we are certainly excited to hear what everyone thinks. We welcome any positive feedback, as well as constructive feedback and we are more than willing to grow not only as writers but also as editors.

Feel free to send us any questions, and happy writing!











