Shelterz: what is that?

4 min readNov 24, 2022


SHELTERZ is a booking system for hotels, apartments, and other accommodations, with a unique loyalty system — 100% cashback. The service is developed by Shelter company. Shelter company owns a hotel chain and is an issuer of stocks.

What problem are we solving?

The global problem — how to get your money back, worries each of us.

You get astronomical sums if you calculate how much money a person spends in his life.

The purpose of creating this service is to solve the problem of money refunds for accommodation/travel, which is not a tiny part of everyone’s budget…

Existing booking services often offer users cashback from 10 to 30%, but no one was able to offer a full refund.

Imagine how great it would be if, after a vacation, for example, just in a few months, you would get back the money you spent and you could fly next time for free.

Or if you went on a business trip, your employer would reimburse your expenses, and the service would compensate you, too. Double benefit)

Also, if you rent an apartment, pay rent for a month, and suddenly you have more and more months for free. Sounds fantastic?! But SHELTERZ knows how to solve this problem.

Now, how does it work?

Our service doesn’t accept cryptocurrencies to pay for reservations, as it may seem at first glance. It is designed for the widest possible audience who are used to using fiat money to pay for travel. That audience makes millions of reservations every day! We are introducing to our users the world of cryptocurrency through cashback, credited in TERZ tokens.

They see the tokens on their balance in their account, their monetary value, and the ability to spend them on new bookings. But tokens do not fall out of the air, and the service buys them in exchange for a portion of the profits made by the company.

Let’s get deeper into the details here.

The company’s profit is generated from the commissions it receives from hotels for each booking. At the end of the day, a total profit is formed, which is divided into a cash pool and a crypto pool — together, we call them a smart pool. The crypto pool is filled by buying TERZ tokens from the exchange with money coming from businesses.

The cash pool and the crypto pool must balance each other in terms of valuation. Following the growth of service profits, the size of pools grows, and the price of a token grows. At the same time, the smart pool targets the price of the token following profit growth — that is, it increases the token’s price through transactions at higher prices until the increase in the token’s price equals the increase in profit.

Thus, the smart pool is the primary tool that creates the value of a token. The user receives tokens from the intelligent pool, which is reflected in his account of the service in the equivalent of a monetary value. The user can spend them for new bookings, and the smart pool can burn used tokens and reduce circulation — this will also influence the price increase as the number of tokens is limited, and their scarcity will increase. The users get the tokens in a queue, which consists of several algorithms controlled by a neural network.

What this looks like from the outside:

Conventional booking services, to replicate this, have to give all their profits back to their users. Still, they’re used to taking it for themselves since they have nothing else. On the other hand, we share our profit with users, getting business capitalization through token price growth in return.

The booking/accommodation service is in the range of necessary and is renewable.

The transparency of the service is confirmed by the need to use a token to accrue cashback to users, smart pool transactions will be verifiable via blockchain, and the company’s profits will be verifiable via official reporting.

Use case

So, there are 2 types of token usage

1 — user of services. He gets the equivalent of a token as cashback and can use it only for repeat bookings. He cannot sell the token. Physically the user token is in the smart pool, and after the disposal of the service, the token can be burned, reallocated to the steering fund, or given to another user in exchange for new purchases — the possibilities are variable, but we stick with burning to maintain the deficit

2 — investor. Buys tokens on the exchange and earns income from the rise in the price of the token. The investor can sell their tokens anytime, just like a stock. The smart pool maintains the demand for the token, creates its value, and ensures that the token’s price grows at least as much as the service’s profit growth. Stacking tokens will be possible in the future.

The prospects

We plan to launch the service and begin rapid expansion. An obvious competitive advantage will contribute to the recruitment of users and hotels. At the initial stage, the low base effect will contribute to high revenue and token price growth rates. We plan to expand the ecosystem to other areas of business. We will add NFT to unique elements of the ecosystem — a travel meta-universe is in the queue for implementation.




İnnovative booking service that provides its users with 100% cashback with its own $TERZ token!