I fear writing things that other people will read.

Shelton Davis
1 min readFeb 12, 2016


I find this weird, I live a working life as a creator of things, but I fear creating works of words for others to read. I don’t fear making products that other people will use though. For some reason it feels less personal, a person using an app/website that I worked on, interacting with a physical thing I manufactured , or sitting in a chair from some DIY plans I created is a lot less terrifying. The sharing of those things aren’t bothersome to me because it is rare that people will rant directly at me about the color gray I used or the radius on said feature. Words are simple in design yet extremely complex based on many things including its use, interpretation, who it comes from, and where it is being used. Words bring opinions, sentences contain potential arguments, and the creation of paragraphs that make up stories make me feel vulnerable to critique over punctuation, word selection, or un-substantiated opinions. These things prevent me from writing and/or speaking publicly for the most part. Consider this my first baby step forward. Give me your worst/best. Despite the outcome, I will write again.

PS. I sat on this draft for 2 weeks and edited it constantly. Like the first scribble in a notebook, the first words are hard to put down without personal scrutiny.



Shelton Davis

Supporter of AMAZING people! Founder @TheEmpathyLab. Past UX Leadership @Terminus @OperableInc @Chef @FirstData. Husband, father, & recovering decathlete.