Automated Deployment for your Internal Nuget Packages using VSTS

How to automate nuget package deployment with VSTS

Shems Eddine


When working with a large enough project or Micro Services, you’re doubt to share some code between your solutions. The code could be events, generic services or utility code that you would like to reuse.

Note: It is important to have an product owner of the nuget package and someone who will be responsible for the changes, and the coordination of all the teams that are using the package.

What we are going to cover:

  • Creating a nuget package in DotNet Core
  • Setting information about your nuget package
  • Setting up automated nuget package deployement using VSTS


Our Nuget Package

We will create a simple package that allows you to publish events. There will be two parts to this, the first will be the Core project which will expose interfaces, and the Azure Queue implementation which implements this interface.



Shems Eddine

Azure Cloud Platform Expert | NodeJS & .NET Senior Consultant | Startup CTO in City of London