ShengWorld Introduces an Anti-Coronavirus Immune Booster Package

Sheng World
3 min readMar 2, 2020


The last week of February 2020 has seen major stock markets around the world posting the biggest single-week losses since the 2008 financial crisis. As the epidemic that emerged from China threatens to become a global pandemic that could wipe off $1 trillion from the world’s gross domestic product (GDP), ShengWorld, a Singapore based blockchain platform that deals in medical tourism, lifestyle, and wellness industry, has worked with its healthcare and medical partners in Thailand to launch an “Anti-Coronavirus Immune Booster Package.” The package retails for approximately US$1,000 for ten sessions of these immune booster jabs. Since its launch a week ago, the demand for the immune booster package has far exceeded expectations.

The package introduced by ShengWorld includes :

1. Ozone Therapy, including as a treatment that administers ozone to improve blood circulation, fight off pathogens, and boost the immune system.

2. HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) is a universally practiced therapy that administers 100% of pure medical oxygen to enhance the body’s natural healing process and get rid of pathogens in the body.

3. Super C Infusion supplements the body with antioxidant Vitamin C, which aids the body’s immune system to fight off pathogens, including Coronavirus, as well as strengthens the immune system and increases the energy level.

Adrian Wong, the CEO and Co-founder of ShengWorld quoted

“Our ten years of experience in the healthcare and wellness industry allows us to turn a crisis into an opportunity. Since no vaccine or antibiotics is currently available specifically for the COVID-19 virus, prevention is the best remedy and a strong immune system will bolster our body’s defenses against it. We plan to work with our healthcare partners in South Korea to launch a similar package subject to regulatory approvals, which would be announced at an appropriate time.

Currently, ShengWorld has an expansive network of premium healthcare, lifestyle and wellness providers in Asia that includes leading hospitals and IVF Centres in Thailand, Malaysia and South Korea. ShengWorld is the first-ever B2B4C platform that harnesses the power of blockchain and AI to create an entire ecosystem for the healthcare, lifestyle and wellness industries.

“Upon the completion of our Initial Exchange Offering i.e. Our Token Sale that is live on Probit Launchpad, and listing exercise on the respective exchange networks, we will execute a rapid deployment strategy for XPOS devices that we have put in place for our partners and merchants in the ShengWorld ecosystem so that our native tokens, namely the Life and Sheng tokens, will be become a common payment currency for the consumption of such healthcare services on our blockchain platform.” Continued Adrian

Pundi X, a leading crypto-based payment processing and PoS solution provider, has appointed ShengWorld as its Master Distributor for the XPOS payment solutions and XPASS prepaid digital asset cards for its expansion strategy into Thailand. Under this agreement, Pundi X will provide the required technical infrastructure and PoS devices for accepting processing digital currencies including crypto as well as forthcoming traditional card payments within the Sheng World marketplace and ecosystem.

Coming from a traditional business background, the co-founders of ShengWorld’s unique duo token economy, are leveraging on the use of smart contracts and blockchain technologies to dramatically change how the healthcare, lifestyle and wellness services are currently being delivered to the consumers.

On a related note, the 1st Round of IEO sales of the Sheng token on Probit Exchange will still be available until the 8th March 2020 to permit token buyers to continue to receive the existing 50–53% bonuses on their purchases in solidarity with the Korean community who are affected by the coronavirus.

About ShengWorld

ShengWorld is the first-ever blockchain-based B2B4C for the lifestyle and wellness industry. It comprises of two main elements i.e., for Consumer (4C) SHENG Marketplace and the Business-to-Business (B2B) SHENG Eco-system. ShengWorld harnesses the power of blockchain, AI, and Smart Contracts to create an entire ecosystem surrounding health and wellness products that enrich the mind, body, and soul, allowing users to celebrate life and rejuvenate from the grind of daily life. More details can be found on their website, i.e.

Important Links:

ShengWorld IEO Website:

ShengWorld Marketplace:

Sheng IEO on Probit Exchange:



Sheng World

World’s 1st B2B4C Lifestyle & Wellness Blockchain Platform