Implementing Change Data Capture (CDC) in MySQL: A Journey of Data Engineering Leader!

Shashwath Shenoy
4 min readDec 17, 2023

Change is the only constant, and in the data-driven world, nowhere is that more true than in the realm of databases. I’ve been working in the Tech industry for 13+ years now, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that keeping up with ever-evolving data sources can be a constant battle. That’s why, when faced with the need to integrate real-time data from our MySQL database into our downstream analytics pipelines, I knew we needed a reliable and scalable solution. Enter Change Data Capture (CDC).

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a fundamental technique in data engineering that enables real-time replication of database changes. CDC is a game-changer for anyone who needs to react to changes in their database in real-time. It’s like having a watchful eye on your data, constantly monitoring for updates, inserts, and deletes. This real-time awareness allows you to trigger actions, update dashboards, and feed your analytics pipelines with the freshest data possible. In this article, I will share my experience, the technology stack we used, and provide code examples to illustrate the implementation process.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

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Shashwath Shenoy

Experienced Data Engineering Leader with a passion for delivering scalable, efficient and high-performance data solutions.