Seoul SK has not lost in 12 consecutive games since beating Daegu Korea Gas Corporation 81–69 on Dec. 14 last year.

outlookindia com
3 min readApr 17, 2024

He was eighth with 10 wins and eight losses right before winning 12 consecutive games, but now he is the lone runner-up with 22 wins and eight losses. He narrowed the gap from №1 Wonju DB to 2.5 games.

The driving force behind SK’s 12th consecutive win is defense. Ahead of the game against Changwon LG on the 9th, SK manager Jeon Hee-chul said, “It’s a battle between a shield and a shield.” This is because it was a showdown between the first and second runners in runs.

SK’s average score for the season is 76.33, a slight difference from Changwon LG’s 76.26 points.

However, the number of lost points during the winning streak is 69.2. It is 11.9 points lower than the average of 81.1 lost points in 18 games before winning 12 consecutive games. Among the 12 consecutive games, the most lost points are 77 points.

SK had one win and six losses in scoring games under 70 points before winning consecutive games from the 2021–2022 season when Jeon Hee-chul was appointed, but won twice during the winning streak even after recording 64 points. The opponents are all the same as LG.

The record shows how well SK defends during the winning streak.

Then, what score and loss did the teams that won 11 consecutive games in a season?

When comparing the average score and average loss during the winning streak and the season, the score is generally more prominent than the loss.

The first team to reverse this trend was Ulsan Mobis, which had 11 consecutive wins in the 2014–2015 season. Mobis stood out in defense (scoring -5.2 points) more than offense (scoring +0.9).

Just like Mobis, Changwon LG, which has won 11 consecutive games in the 2014–2015 season, has boosted its scoring capacity (+5.4 points) and strengthened its defensive capacity (-4.6 points). It is the only team that has a gap of more than four points in both scoring and losing points.

Compared to the number of lost points in the season, Jeonju KCC had the least number of lost points during the 2020–2021 season. KCC lost 7.7 points, or 69.7 points, less during the winning season than the 77.4 points during the season.

This season, SK scored 7.1 points (76.3–69.2), the next lowest after KCC.

What is unusual is that none of the teams scored less in consecutive wins than in the season, but SK is now 0.1 points lower.

However, SK’s scoring and losing points in the season are based on 30 games. The winning streak is not over yet, and there are 24 games left this season. During this period, the gap between scoring and losing points will be different.

Even so, it is even better to know that SK is winning consecutive games with fewer runs than many runs.

SK will have a showdown with KCC in Busan at the Busan Sajik Gymnasium on Wednesday. When he meets KCC this season, his three-point shooting was unresponsive. The success rate of three-point shooting is 17.9 percent (7/39), which is much lower than the success rate of three-point shooting this season (200/650).

SK’s 13th consecutive win will be a three-point shot as important as defense. 메이저 토토사이트

