2 min readNov 29, 2022



Being an entrepreneur means coming up with creative solutions to problems and putting something new out to the world.

Entrepreneurial spirit — It is a phrase you might see in some job ads, but actually embodying the characteristics of entrepreneurship is about more than just a desire to make money. You might not have the track record of the likes of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own entrepreneurial success story.

What does it mean to be a successful entrepreneur? Is it being born a natural achiever? Is it having an extroverted personality? Is it being naturally persuasive? While some entrepreneurs are born with these traits, they are rarely the determinant of successful entrepreneur. Not everyone is born with a goal getter spirit. As a matter of fact, most successful entrepreneurs today are people who have been underestimated growing up.

Being an entrepreneur is a lot of work, anyone who tells otherwise is either lying or has never actually started one themselves. You will have to work extra hours and the sacrifices are great.

It is the desire of many young people to be an entrepreneur, but is entrepreneurship actually meant for everyone? However, there are a few key personality traits that all (or almost all) successful entrepreneurs have in common.

 Deep passion; Passion is a key driving factor that keeps successful entrepreneur going. A passionate entrepreneur is deemed to be creative, persistence and hardworking. The more passionate the entrepreneur, the more likely they are to succeed. It is believed that passion is easily the most significant personality trait any successful entrepreneurs have.

 Creativity; the creative entrepreneur’ stereotype has been further cemented by eccentric, highly creative, and famous entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson, Elon Musk and the likes. A thorough observation of the entrepreneurial process shows that creative thinking is a must have ‘skill’ of an entrepreneur for the creation of new ideas.

 Eager to learn; Most new businesses always start operation with very little workforce, which means the entrepreneur will have.

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