A Pain Story…

Sherice Sudds
6 min readSep 23, 2020

In the summer of 2018, I went to Greece, feeling pretty much physically depleted. By the time I got there, I was down over 20lbs from my usual 106 and could barely walk a block without feeling tired. Earlier in April, I started experiencing some digestive issues, and then a month or so later, my body proceeded to go into a massive shut down.

Bloodwork showed several confusing imbalances, high inflammation, and I stopped being able to eat without allergic reactions/food sensitivities. Chronic fatigue and symptoms worsened, and my weight dropped to 83lbs at its lowest. I felt like every doctor I went to was redirecting me to someone else...Gerd? Infection? Virus? Perimenopause? Thyroid? Kidney/liver impairment? Autoimmune? Qi/ blood deficiency? All of the above?

For the sake of wanting to be responsible, I dotted and crossed every i and t, but deep down inside, I knew the real root went way beyond what data could reveal. So when I heard Niki Gratix (the practitioner who I later started working with on my journey) share these words during a health seminar - "...childhood biography impacts adult biology" -it immediately resonated with me.

