Grow a Day Older

1 min readFeb 19, 2019


Hey, it’s me, a self-proclaimed mutant who starts to write at this platform while eating Kacang Garuda at home.

What is home anyway?

If home is where the family is, then my home is 1,031 kilometers away from where I am now.
If home is where the heart is, then I am a grateful homeless.
Because to me, home is beyond those definitions. Home is more than just where you can feel affections, comforts, or joy. Home to me is when you feel passionate, when you feel a strong uncontrollable energy to do what you love. And by what you love I mean something that could give you challenges.

I always believe that home is never at one exact place. Just like in reality where people move from one home to another, my home moves dynamically. I found it, but then I lost it again. And life is a never ending journey of finding home.

As I grow a day older, I understand that life only demands me to be the human I am, then it would guide me home.

As I grow a day older, I understand that I need heartbreak, doubt, and pain as much as I crave for love, joy, and happiness, then I would find my way home.

As I grow a day older, I am ready to break my heart again.

Current home, Bandung.

