The Valley of the Kings ,Tombs and Monuments in Luxor Egypt

Ancient Egypt
3 min readApr 20, 2017


The Valley of the Kings — The Luxor district has a bigger convergence of sensational tombs and landmarks than whatever other locale in Egypt. Situated in the Nile Valley, Luxor is a novel occasion goal loaded with old Egyptian fortunes and immortal sentiment. Luxor resembles a tremendous outside historical center where you can venture back in time with an understanding into antiquated Egyptian human progress.

The Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings is situated on the west bank at Luxor and was the imperial burial ground for 62 Pharaohs. It is here that the pharaoh’s were covered and wanted to meet their divine beings in existence in the wake of death. The tombs here cover an entire range from basic pits to a tomb with more than 120 chambers and passageways. There are two principle parts to the Valley of the Kings, west and east. A great many people relate the Valley of the Kings with Tutankhamun’s Tomb however he was a minor ruler and there are substantially more noteworthy tombs and landmarks in the valley than his.

The Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Queens is found at the southern end of the valley. This is the place the rulers and their youngsters were covered. Just four of the tombs are interested in the general population, the most popular being that of Queen Nefertari.

Queen Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple

Situated at the leader of the Valley of the Kings, this is One of the most lovely sanctuaries of antiquated Egypt. Sitting underneath the pinnacle of the mountain, the sanctuary sits specifically against the stone which frames a characteristic amphitheater around it. Composed by the modeler Senemut, this stunning sanctuary gives the feeling that it has become out of the stone. Hatshepsut administered as official for her progression child Thuthmosis III yet played the part of pharaoh as opposed to passing energy to him when he became an adult. Committed to the sun god Amon-Ra, the sanctuary had a garden for Hatshepsut’s dad with outlandish trees and plants in the lower yard yet after her demise the sanctuary was intentionally harmed by her progression child who supplanted her picture with his own particular and wrecked any references to her.

Colossi of Memnon

Arranged on the west bank at Luxor are the well known ‘Monsters of Memnon’. These enormous quartzose sandstone statues once flanked the passageway to Amenhotep III’s funeral home sanctuary. The statues now remain all alone in a field making a course for the Valley of the Kings. In spite of the fact that the statues are in poor condition they are as yet deserving of a visit. The Legend of Memnon is about one of the statues that had a split going through it. At the point when the early morning beams of the sun warmed the statue it gave a creepy groan. The antiquated Greeks trusted that the statue spoke to King Memnon and that the ghostly stable was him welcoming his mom Eos. However since the Romans attempted to repair the statue it has stayed noiseless.

Luxor Temple

Worked by the New Kingdom Pharaoh Amenophis III, this little however fascinating sanctuary is found in the focal point of the town.

Temples of Karnak

Only north of Luxor city are the captivating Temples of Karnak. This sanctuary complex was worked over a time of 1500 years and was the most critical place of love in antiquated Egypt. Thought to be the biggest surviving religious complex on the planet, this gigantic site is a mass of havens, monoliths, arches and stands committed to the Theban divine beings.

Luxor appreciates long hot sunny days and clear blue skies throughout the entire year making it a perfect goal for a sentimental escape and family occasions alike. Summers can be astoundingly hot, improving the winter an opportunity to book one of the many touring occasion bundles accessible to Egypt.

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