The Power Of “I am”

Sherina Shamdasani
4 min readMar 2, 2019


You are that, that you consider yourself being.

What I see many of us doing is identifying ourselves with our emotions and thoughts. When we feel sad or frustrated, we end up creating this story in our mind that tells us that we are a sad or frustrated person. We become that thought and emotion that we are feeling in a particular moment. We repeat this story over and over again, behaving in ways (conscious or unconsciously) to feed that thought and keep creating space for them to be true.

But…is this, right? Are we really that?

In a professional and personal level, I observe the human mind and behavior. I strongly believe in the power of the mind as I consider it directs what we give and receive in life. I am also very interested in communication through our body and language. The energies that are created are shaping the reality we are living. Today I pay special interest in the power of the two words “I am” as they determine the life we live. Joel Osteen said it himself, “Whatever follows the ‘I am’ will eventually find you.” Whatever you tell yourself you are, you will be…

I too — didn’t pay attention to the words I often use, the tone of voice I pronounce the words, or even how they might be affecting my life. The more aware I become and catch myself using specific phrases, I realize how I am inviting these beliefs to take up all the space in my system and behave in ways to fit in even if they’re not making me live the reality I desire.

I changed the…

  • “I am so far behind from those successful people” to “I am going to achieve all I desire”
  • “I am not able to do this” to “I am capable of this and more”
  • “I am so low in energy” to “I am able to generate high vibe energy”
  • “I am not able to commit to things” to “I am able to commit to anything I set my mind to”
  • “I am not disciplined enough” to “I am day by day practicing and adopting discipline. I am a discipline.”
  • “I am unlucky” to “I am blessed”
  • “I am unhealthy” to “I am healthy mentally, spiritually, and physically. I have all the strength I need.”

My life has changed in countless ways! Not only through the practice of self-awareness and mindfulness, but also through recognizing, identifying and understanding my thought patterns, the emotions I have associated with those thoughts, and how they are making me behave in certain ways that are sometimes not helping me become the person I wish to be or achieve the goals I have.

Let’s do an exercise together!

Stand up and go in front of a mirror. Look at yourself for some seconds and start with the “I am’s.” What do you see? What story are you telling yourself? Who are you believing to be? Or, who is it you are playing to be?

Write down your “I am’s” and then take a look at the list. Are you telling yourself “I am lazy” “I am careless” “I am not worthy of” “I am always late” “I am healthy” “I am unpopular” “I am caring”…? Then think about what actions you do in your day to day life that proves these thoughts. What results are you getting from them?

The power of the “I am” can transform your life! Once you start becoming aware of what your belief system is — what your “I am’s” are, you can then find the links to your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and outcomes. If there is something not working the way you desire, you can now change it!

After having done the mirror exercise and the writing down all your “I am’s,” you can now see that indeed whatever is following your “I am’s” is who you are. By changing the “I am” with more powerful and uplifting words and statements and repeating them over and over again, you can start training your mind. What goes through your conscious mind will then be stored in your subconscious mind.

Lastly, know that your negative thoughts will try to push you down, your inner voice will try to push you down, and even people will try to push you down… but you should also know that we are all born with special gifts and talents and all have the ability to find goodness, positivity, and abundance in life…So, let’s start our days with a more positive invitation so we can live a more suitable life!



Sherina Shamdasani

Psychologist and coach who travels while guiding and supporting others in finding their inner strength and building self-worth!