Ghosts in the Laboratory: Are Spirits Scientifically Possible?

Sherrie Hurd
3 min readAug 13, 2014

Basically, the Paranormal doesn’t exist but wait! If this is undoubtedly true, then history doesn’t exist either.

The reason for this hypothesis is that history can only be believed through the practice of documentation or word-of-mouth. Yes, events in history have left clues, like artifacts, but others have no trail of evidence whatsoever.

This is why the paranormal is likely to be just as real. Many scientists and atheists definitely believe in historical events, and they will stand firm in their beliefs. Basically, the paranormal can have just as much right of existence as history.

So, are spirits scientifically possible? Since the paranormal is pretty much impossible to prove, just like history, then substantial evidence is the only way to understand spirits.

There is, however, a scientific reason that leaves doubt in the minds of skeptics. There may, in fact, be signs of the afterlife within the confines of the science lab. This information draws attention to the likelihood of the existence of ghosts.

These clues are not pictures, recordings or sightings. The laboratory holds evidence that carries a bit more weight in theory. Yes, the paranormal could exist

