Sherry Caris
1 min readFeb 24, 2016


I don’t think it’s weird at all to have your brother’s teeth in a drawer. For years, my father had a jar in which he saved every one of my sister’s and my baby teeth. I’d kill for that jar, today, but alas it has disappeared. I love that you refer to it as having your brothers smile in a cup.

I’m writing backwards here, because I wanted to tell you how much my heart ached with the bitter-sweetness of life, reading this amazing piece through tears.

Your brother’s life, lived so passionately, despite his physical limitations, the limitless boundaries of your love for him, the palpable connection of your souls, and the utter despair of losing that physical connection in this life, this plane, this space.

I’m so glad you got to have Scott for the time you did, Heather, but it breaks my heart that you lost your gorgeous, extraordinary brother. ❤

