Sherry Caris
1 min readJan 22, 2016


I once heard that true love is when each person thinks they’re the “lucky one” in the relationship. So far that is how it’s been for me and my new husband - we’ve been together 3 years.

I literally pinch myself every day that the universe gave this incredible man to me - that on this gigantic planet, we found each other.

He frequently tells me he can’t believe I’m his.

We are getting more comfortable telling each other when something the other is doing is driving us crazy (with a lot of hysterical laughter) and I finally started farting in front of him, an event worthy of a story:

After 3 years, I am still gobsmacked, stupid in love with this man. I think maybe it’s because we put each others’ happiness before our own.

Also, we don’t have children and I think that makes a huge difference because there isn’t the stress or inevitable alternate drudgery and trauma of being responsible for little humans.

I’ll let you know how we’re doing in a couple years.

