What’s Your Type? Or the Wackiest Party Ever.

Sherry Caris
2 min readMay 14, 2016


So, Patricia Naomi Webster came up with the hilarious writing exercise of creating an imaginary dinner party where all those in attendance share the same Myers-Briggs personality type. The dialogue was hilarious!

Then she suggested we all do the same with our own personality types, which I think is an exceptionally good idea with potentially pee-in-your-pants funny results. Get your adult diapers ready!

If you don’t know your Myers-Briggs personality type, here is a link where you can learn more about it, take the test and get your type, (it’s quick):

Patricia and I invite you to hone your dialogue writing skills, have some fun and write a little dialogue about what would transpire at a dinner party made up entirely of your personality type.

Colette Clarke Torres, alto, Jules, Danna Colman, Dave Grigger, Todd Hannula, Oliver Shiny, Peter A Slaughter, Ezinne Ukoha, Ayesha Talib Wissanji, Vyoma Nupur, S Lynn Knight, SF Ali, Alison Bennett, Angela Barnett, Dominique Matti, Gemma Kennedy, Joy Saint James, elizabeth tobey, Bill Sauer, Graham Anderson, mark-john clifford, Anthony Walker, Ritter Coldriss, Mike Essig, Sean Howard, Sonny Bohanan, Lon Shapiro, Akshay G, Randomly Me, and of course, my Gutbloom.

Please forgive me if I left you out and play anyway — it’s only because I’m still in my morning state of shock and haven’t sufficiently caffeinated yet. Also invite anyone you think would enjoy this to play along. The more the merrier! Kudos to Patricia for her whimsical and thought provoking idea!

