Perhaps What You Need Right Now Is a Happiness Boost

Sherry S
5 min readApr 15, 2020


If you just watched this video, did you catch yourself smiling? That’s most likely a genuine smile bundled with a warm and fuzzy feeling and very real amusement.

So how did it feel? These moments are hard to come by since we adults genuinely smile a meagerly 20 times a day compared to children who smile 300–400 times.

But did you know that smiling or laughing, even without emotions, could have some staggering effects on your body and mind? Well, that’s what science is telling us.

#1 Laughing can reduce stress

Laughing can trick your brain to reduce the stress response.

In fact, a study by scientists from the University of Kansas shows that smiling can significantly reduce the body’s stress response compared to holding a neutral facial expression.

A hearty laugh could relax muscles for up to 45 minutes and help ease stress. It can,

  • Reduce the level of stress-induced hormones like cortisol.
  • Release serotonin that can help reduce stress.
  • Release neuropeptides like endorphins that reduce blood pressure levels and thereby help relax.

Have you ever noticed how a pretend smile changes your mood with sudden physiological changes? Well, these might be the reasons.

Scientific reasons why you should smile more today and be happy
Source: Pinterest

#2 Happiness boosts the immune system

Yes, you read it right; a happiness boost could lead to a stronger immune system.

Research has shown that people who had their happiness levels elevated by showing funny videos contracted the rhinovirus or the influenza virus far less or showed less severe symptoms compared to others.

And according to Dr. William Fry of Stanford University Medical School, a hearty laugh could release a higher level of T-cells to the bloodstream, which helps the body to fight diseases.

Other research has also shown that laughter can increase the production of antibodies, and can activate protective cells such as Natural Killer (NK) cells.

All the more reason for you to put up a smile.

Scientific reasons why you should smile more today and be happy
Source: Pinterest

#3 Humor enhances problem-solving skills

Research by Dr. Alice Isen of the University of Maryland shows that people exposed to humor were better able to think broadly and creatively to solve problems compared to those who were not. According to her studies, people who watched a few minutes of a comedy showed a higher level of improved creative performance compared to those who exercised or watched a distressing film.

This doesn’t come as a surprise considering the ability of laughter to help relax and put you at ease. We all know how difficult it is to remain tense during and immediately after a hearty laugh.

It can divert your attention away from stress and anxiety associated with a complex problem and create a relaxed mental state needed for creative thinking.

Scientific reasons why you should smile more today and be happy
Source: Pinterest

#4 Laughter can reduce pain

Studies by a team of Swiss researchers have found humor and laughter to increase tolerance of pain up to 20 minutes. According to another research, exposing people to 15 minutes of comedy film increased the pain threshold by a staggering 10%.

Research has also found humor therapy to reduce chronic pain significantly among the elderly.

Laughter releases endorphins to the bloodstream that can act as a natural painkiller. And humor can also work as a distraction. It can take your mind away from pain, making it more bearable.

This would explain why medical practitioners use laughter therapy for patients suffering from pain. For example, children’s wards for kids suffering from chronic illnesses often use clowns to help distract them from their pain.

Source: The Dodo on YouTube

#5 It can help you sleep better

Watching a horror movie in the evening could increase adrenalin, elevate your heartbeat and blood pressure levels and trigger other physiological reactions that could prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. Watching a funny movie or a sitcom, on the other hand, could have the opposite effect.

In fact, in his book Norman Cousins Anatomy Of An Illness, Dr. Norman Cousins explains how he got 2 hours of sleep with 10 minutes of laughter every evening when he was struggling to sleep due to chronic pain caused by a degenerative disease.

A hearty laugh could release serotonin, an important chemical for your body’s sleep-wake cycle. And it’s known to raise melatonin production, an essential hormone for sleep.

It could also increase endorphins that can help reduce stress, decrease blood pressure levels, and make you calmer and more relaxed, physiologically preparing you for a well-rested sleep.

Scientific reasons why you should smile more today and be happy
Source: Pinterest

Make laughter a habit

Laughing has plenty of other physical, mental, and social benefits to give you enough reasons to keep on smiling every day. It can make you more attractive, put others at ease, it’s infectious, and the genuine Duchenne smile can even make you look younger according to research by the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

So, make a conscious effort to smile more. Here are 5 things for you to start doing today.

  1. Allocate time to laugh daily and use it to watch a comedy, read funny memes or something else that gets you rolling.
  2. Spend time with happy people and eliminate the grumpy ones (remember, emotions are infectious).
  3. Playing with kids and having a pet are all guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.
Source: Funny Dog Bailey on YouTube

4. If you are feeling adventurous, try something a little different like laughter yoga. If you’re wondering what that is, check this out.

Source: Master Ranjeet Singh Bhatia on YouTube

5. Force a smile for 10 seconds now and then, even if you don’t feel like it.

Scientific reasons why you should smile more today and be happy
Source: Pinterest

I hope I managed to bring a smile to your face, at least for a few minutes.

Keep smiling!

