What is Amazon Web Services?

Paloma Lataliza
2 min readJul 19, 2022

Amazon Web Services or AWS is one of the most used and oldest cloud computing providers on the market. Created by Amazon in 2006, it aims to provide a platform for diverse infrastructure services using the cloud.

One of its advantages is that you have no initial expenses and you only pay for what you use. For this reason it is one of the cheapest and most flexible alternatives on the market, being one of the first to implement the pay as you go model.

With a robust and complete infrastructure, AWS combines cloud service models such as:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS);
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS);
  • Software as a Service (SaaS).

With AWS we can use services such as Storage and Database, Data Analysis, Cloud Computing, Data Storage, CI/CD, IOT, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

The services are available according to their regions. A region is an isolated structure in a given geographic area and has 2 or more Availability Zones. Availability Zones or AZs are a highly redundant group of data centers designed to work in isolation from other AZs. Their location is geographically distant from each other so that, if an incident occurs in one, another in that region is not impacted.

In this way, in addition to using the services, you can see which region will serve you best according to the latency and services offered.



Paloma Lataliza

Apaixonada por cloud computing e tecnologia. Fã de cavaleiros do zodíaco. AWS Community Builder, líder do AWS User Group MG. Também escrevo sobre ☁️