Nadav Ivgi
1 min readMay 18, 2017


Gadi, why are you making this personal? This reads like one long ad hominem attack meant to personally discredit me. “[Nadav] Seems very smart, but he is missing an understanding of business”. Seriously? Dissing on a 25-years-old CEO for his business skills, that’s your strategy? How’s that relevant to anything?

We both know that this is bigger than just me. People in the Israeli Bitcoin community have been talking about protesting at Bitmain Israel for several months now. As you probably are aware, members of the Israeli Bitcoin community participated in activism protesting against Israeli banks, so the decision to apply that same model to Bitmain was quite straightforward and natural. I’m not your problem. I just helped put up some signs. The problem is Bitmain aggressive, bullying behavior that causes that response from the community . Perhaps rather than trying to brush this off as the actions of one man, you should try to look inside and understand why people are so angry with your company’s actions?

Shabbat Shalom and best of luck.



Nadav Ivgi

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