26th and 27th August 2022

3 min readAug 27, 2022


Here we discussed about the requirement analysis and how it will be taken into consideration by taking the example of banking system. It was wonderful session taken by Arun where it gave us the insight knowledge about how to consider the requirements how we can deliver it to the customer. We also gathered many requirements and compared those with the real life examples.
Banking was introduced in 17th or 18th century. Barter system which means the exchanging of goods. Then the money concept has taken into consideration where the finance terms and transaction started.
After coming to know about all these things we studied and colected all the requirements. It was more interactive and the informative sessions.
Then Pallavi Katari held the activity session where the mind games were played which helped to release the stress and also informed us how we need to manage and think during our work.

In this session we learnt about the agile methodology and we started with using Jira technology. Agile and DevOps training program . Agile is a framework or methodology or daily meetings ,we also compared agile with waterfall model and discussed all the advantages of agile.
There are 12 principles:
i) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
ii) working software over comprehensive documentation
iii) customer collaboration over contract negotiation
iv) Responding to change over following plan
v) Satisfy the customer
vi) Changes are welcome
vii) deliver frequently
viii) Motivated team
ix) Face to Face communication
x)Measure of progress
xi) continuous attention
Then we also discussed about story ,issue, agile implementation, Agile estimation, agile planning etc.,
Then we discussed about DevOps where the resource person shared her views and had a informative sessions. Here we also discussed about the Benefits of DevOps.
Then we started work on Jira installation . We installed Jira through by entering ‘Download Jira cloud for free’. Then we looked into the basics on how to use Jira and how it can be used in the industry. By this way the day was ended.

This session was more of Communication and the brain storming. Here the jumbled puzzles, picture identification, and the communication session.
Then following this the the session on use case diagram has taken where we are informed how to make a use case diagram and hoe to build it using the online tools. Then the assignment was given for us to do. This helped us to learn and apply the things learned by the practical knowledge.

Here we discussed about the Jira software and how to use it. We went through all the things which is used and how it can be used. Here we are also informed like how we can use the tools in efficient way. I felt it difficult but as the training went on it became easy. so i want to work on that platform to have a very good practical knowledge. To understand better i want to work on that tool. I asked my friends many questions after the sessions they helped me to solve all the difficulties which i was facing during the working. So by this way i also thought to look online videos and daily work on Jira so that i can have good knowledge of using Jira and utilizing the tool

