How to Stop a Controlling Husband (How to Deal With a Controlling and Dominating Husband)

Sheva Mato
6 min readOct 19, 2023


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

I’m so glad you’re here because today, we’re going to tackle a topic that I know is close to the hearts of many: how to deal with a controlling and dominating husband. So often, I hear from people who feel trapped in their marriages, like they’re walking on eggshells or constantly being told what to do. It’s a tough situation, and it can really take a toll on your happiness and self-esteem. But fear not, I’m here to offer some advice on how to stop a controlling husband and regain your sense of self within your marriage.

A few months back, a dear client named Jenna reached out to me. She was frustrated and overwhelmed. Jenna told me how her husband, Robert, had started displaying controlling behavior over time. He would dictate what she should wear, who she could hang out with, and even how she should spend her free time.

Jenna’s life had once been filled with vibrant colors and endless possibilities. She was a passionate artist who expressed herself through her beautiful paintings. However, as Robert’s controlling tendencies began to surface, she found herself trapped in a monochromatic world where her creativity was stifled.

One evening, as she was preparing dinner, Jenna couldn’t help but feel the weight of her situation bearing down on her. She stared at the vegetables she was chopping, her mind wandering to happier times. The more she thought about it, the more she realized how much of herself she had lost. It was as if her identity was slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.

Finally, she decided to reach out to me for guidance. Over the phone, she said, “I don’t know what to do anymore. Robert’s control is suffocating me. I feel like I’ve lost myself. What can I do to stop this and get back to being me?”

Sound familiar? The truth is, many of us have been there or know someone who has. Let’s discuss some practical steps to deal with a controlling husband:

1. Understand the Root Cause

Controlling behavior often has underlying reasons, such as fear or insecurity. While this doesn’t excuse the behavior, understanding the root cause can help you approach the situation with empathy.

It’s not always easy to uncover the root cause, but it’s worth exploring. Engage in open and non-confrontational conversations with your husband. Ask him about his feelings, fears, and concerns. This might reveal that his controlling behavior is a way of coping with past traumas or anxieties.

For instance, if your husband’s controlling behavior is related to finances, try to understand his financial history and experiences that may have led to these concerns. Empathy and understanding can lead to a more compassionate approach to resolving the issue.

2. Communication is Key

Let’s start with the most critical step: communication. It’s the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and dealing with a controlling spouse is no exception. When you feel like your husband is trying to control you, it can be incredibly frustrating and isolating. It’s easy to shut down or avoid the issue altogether, but that won’t lead to a solution.

When you’re ready to have that crucial conversation, be prepared to be open and honest. Choose a time when both of you can sit down without distractions. Approach the issue gently, expressing your feelings without blaming or accusing. Use “I” statements to describe your emotions and experiences. For example, you might say, “I’ve noticed that sometimes I feel like my choices are being restricted, and it makes me feel unhappy and unfulfilled.”

Moreover, listen actively to your husband’s perspective. Understanding his point of view is crucial, even if you don’t agree with it. This conversation is an opportunity for both of you to express your feelings and reach a compromise. Remember, the goal is to find a way to coexist happily while respecting each other’s individuality.

3. Set Clear Boundaries

Boundaries are the invisible lines that define your personal space, both physically and emotionally. When your husband’s controlling behavior starts to infringe on your personal boundaries, it’s essential to establish and communicate them clearly.

To set boundaries effectively, you need to understand your limits and what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable to you. Take some time to reflect on what’s making you uncomfortable in the relationship. For instance, if your husband is constantly checking your messages without your permission, it’s essential to establish a boundary by saying, “I value my privacy, and I expect you to respect it. I will not tolerate you invading my personal space in this way.”

Setting boundaries may take some time and consistency, but it’s a crucial step in stopping your husband’s controlling behavior. It’s about regaining control over your life and ensuring that you’re respected and treated as an individual with your own thoughts, feelings, and choices.

4. Reflect on Your Own Actions

In any relationship, it’s essential to self-reflect and acknowledge your own actions and contributions to the dynamics. While your husband’s controlling behavior is not your fault, understanding your role in the relationship can help you address the issue more effectively.

Take time to think about your own behaviors and how they may influence the situation. Are there patterns or habits in your actions that might trigger your husband’s controlling tendencies? For example, if you’ve become overly independent to counterbalance his controlling behavior, it could lead to a power struggle within the relationship.

Self-reflection doesn’t mean you have to change who you are or what you want; it’s about understanding how your actions and reactions contribute to the overall dynamic. It can help you approach the issue with greater insight and empathy.

5. Keep Your Cool

Dealing with a controlling spouse can be emotionally charged, but maintaining your composure is essential when addressing the issue.

It’s natural to feel angry or frustrated when your husband tries to control you, but reacting with anger or aggression often escalates the situation. Instead, try to remain calm and composed during conversations about the issue. This can help create a more open and productive environment for discussion.

If you find yourself getting upset, take a deep breath and remind yourself of the bigger picture: resolving the issue and achieving a healthier, happier relationship.

6. Know When to Take a Break

In some cases, controlling behavior becomes so overwhelming and toxic that it may be necessary to take a step back.

Taking a break doesn’t mean giving up on your relationship; it means acknowledging that you need some space and time to gain clarity. A temporary separation can provide both you and your husband the opportunity to reflect on the issues without the emotional intensity of day-to-day interactions.

During this break, focus on your well-being, engage in self-care, and use the time to evaluate your needs and priorities. It can be a pivotal moment that either leads to reconciliation and growth or helps you make a decision about the future of the relationship.

7. Focus on Your Happiness

Your happiness should be a top priority in your life. If you’ve tried everything to address your husband’s controlling behavior and it continues to negatively impact your well-being, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

Consider what truly makes you happy and fulfilled. Your happiness is not a luxury but a fundamental need. If your husband’s behavior consistently hinders your happiness and personal growth, it’s important to have an honest conversation with yourself about the relationship.

Take some time to weigh the pros and cons, and ask yourself if the relationship is contributing positively to your life. You deserve to be in a relationship that values your happiness, individuality, and well-being.

Dealing with a controlling husband can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. It requires open communication, setting boundaries, self-care, and patience. Remember that you’re not alone in this struggle, and there are steps you can take to stop the controlling behavior and work towards a healthier, happier relationship.

If you’ve found yourself nodding along with the advice in this article on dealing with a controlling spouse, it’s time to take action and start making positive changes in your relationship. Click here for more practical tips and advice on dealing with a controlling husband.

Click here to access our comprehensive guide with even more tips, real-life stories, and expert insights on dealing with a controlling spouse. This guide will serve as your roadmap to building a healthier, happier relationship. It’s time to take the reins and create the relationship you deserve.

Don’t wait any longer to take control of your own happiness and find ways to improve your relationship. Click here now and discover the tools and insights you need to create a healthier, happier partnership. You deserve a relationship where you’re valued, respected, and free to be your authentic self.

Remember, you deserve to be in a loving and respectful partnership, and this is the beginning of your journey to reclaiming your freedom and happiness. Don’t wait; click right here and take that first step today.

