All databases on the eyes. Postgres exporter + Prometheus + Grafana.

Anton Shevtsov
4 min readSep 24, 2019

Episode 2 or the previous article on collecting Nginx metrics got its logical continuation. This time we will scrape metrics from so famous open source object-relational database as PostgresSQL. As an average of statistical data on the Internet, we can find numbers close to the statistics, which are presented below in the following visual presentation of how PostgreSQL is at a high level these days. (No-SQL and SQL databases)

Most popular databases in 2019

Not the last one, isnt it?… Perhaps you have been blown up by questions about why this scrape-pack — postgres_exporter + prometheus + grafana. Of course, you can opt for a direct connection between PostgreSQL and Grafana, or perhaps POWA will kick up your needs. And yet why our choice will be made in favor of bunch of postgres_exporter + Prometheus + Grafana?

  1. The simplest deployment (at least the basic part without additional modules)
  2. Comfortable scrape from different server’s databases
  3. Full-customizable interface and easy own metrics integration

So let’s not waste time and you will see for yourself soon.

