Seven (and a half) questions to ask before you rebrand

5 min readOct 27, 2020


2020 has required businesses to reposition or rebrand to move online. In what may seem like a big task for those who’ve not done it before, where do you start?

by Kathryn Reynolds, Head of Content at Shiba500

There are a number of reasons that companies need to rebrand, it could be new management in the building or a merger that changes the product offering. It might be a company that has been in business for twenty years and now finds itself needing to refresh its look to reflect the times. No matter what the reason, it’s important to have a concrete plan in place to ensure the success of your rebrand.

There are seven (and a half) important questions to ask yourself ahead of time:


Why do you need a rebrand? What’s the goal of taking on a task like this? What’s behind the decision? Rebrands happen for a variety of reasons, so this might be a very straightforward answer, or it might be more complex or difficult to answer.

Question #1.5: Why are you doing this right now?

Has the market changed for your company and your product/ service offering since the last time you looked at your branding? Has your customer-base changed or have they gotten older? Are you marketing to the same audience or a new one?

Has the product offering changed, so the company needs to reposition itself? Has your company got some recent bad press, so you need to change the conversation?

These questions (and answers) will all have an impact on the decision you make, and the action you take. Don’t consider them too lightly. They’ll influence your roadmap.


Before you go hiring-in help to change your logo, it’s important to ask yourself, what’s this rebrand really about? What problem is your company solving by repositioning your brand? Is there a different way that this problem could be solved?

What’s the goal here?

The reason to ask this question is to fully understand the bigger picture of what it is you are trying to fix within your company. For example, if you haven’t updated your brand’s look and feel in 10 years, chances are it’s not the only thing that’s outdated.

In other words, is it just your logo that needs an update? Or do you need to look further?


Who are you talking to right now? Who is your target audience with this rebrand? Has it changed since the last time or is it still the same? If it’s the same people, how have they changed? What are their wants, needs, and expectations right now?

When it comes to technology, UX, and the customer journey, nowadays there are much higher expectations of what a company should be able to offer its customers.

What is your customer’s need or issue, and are you really solving it for them? How?


The idea of doing a rebrand to shake things up is all well and good, but where do you want to go instead of being where you are? Have you a plan in place or a vague idea?

What do you want to bring with you and what do you want to leave behind? What are the core brand values and beliefs that still ring true for your company, and what values have passed their sell-by date?

What do you imagine the end result of this process to be for you and your customer?

(It’s important to note the end result might not be what you expect it to be, but it’s vital to put some structures in place as guidance for where you want to go for now.)


A rebrand is great, but the impetus for starting something often isn’t there until there is an upcoming event or other “thing” on the horizon that requires a new look.

Even with a last-minute overhaul, it’s important to plan. What’s the expected timeline for your rebrand? Do you have a pending project or event that you need to get this rebrand ready for? How are you going to cater for this to make it happen?

Or, more ideally, are you happy to let the rebrand happen over a longer time period?

Whether it is a slower process or a quick turnaround, you’ll still need to know what needs to be done by when, and what are the resources you’ll need, and when for.


It’s often forgotten about, and it’s less fun to talk about, but it’s a necessary talking point. How much are you willing/able to spend to get this rebranding process right?

Are you a startup that’s been in business for a year or an established enterprise?

What resources do you have in-house for this and who do you need to hire externally to get this project on its feet? How flexible is your budget for this project? Do you need a flexible rebranding service provider? At Shiba500 we’ve created customized and tailored packages to suit each of our clients’ branding and rebranding needs.


Once you have all the whys, whats, wheres, and whens in place, you and your team are now ready to get the ball rolling. So what are your actionable steps for a rebrand?

How will you start the whole process? Who will lead the project and be responsible for measuring its success? What extra internal or external resources do you need to successfully rebrand and who do you need to get in contact with to sort that out?

Some starting questions for your team’s initial rebranding market research:

  • What are the company’s core values? Have they changed?
  • What are your (reputable) competitors doing right now?
  • What is your target audience looking for? Has it changed?
  • What’s trending in your market landscape this year and next?
  • How do you plan to measure your rebrand success?

Something equally important to remember, not all news is newsworthy. What we mean is, what type of rebrand is this? RisingAboveTheNoise asks: “is the goal of this rebrand a stepping stone (evolutionary) or a milestone (revolutionary)?” Or is this simply a brand in need of a refresh to keep it on its toes? Do you need to shout this from the rooftops, or seamlessly introduce your new brand concept? Whatever the approach, the Shiba500 team is happy to jump on a call to help you brainstorm your rebranding options.

Get in touch with the team at Shiba500 today to discuss your next brand move!

Shiba500 is a boutique marketing agency that helps startups and scale-ups navigate brand building, storytelling, and growth marketing. We act as a bridge between growth companies and new business opportunities.

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Shiba500 is a boutique branding and strategy agency that acts as a bridge between growth-oriented companies and business opportunities