The Big Bang — How it all started

Shibin Joseph
2 min readFeb 8, 2018


I’m a proud Qatar-born, shawarma-loving, typical (former) NRI, living my life between a desert and a rainy haven. In these years, I’ve lived a life too foreign for home, too foreign for where I am. I wish I had a cool life story to write about but honestly, the only good stories I have are the ones I’ve read.

I stumbled upon books late in my life. I lost my reading virginity at the age of 15 to Dan Brown’s Digital Fortress, where I was introduced to my first cipher. This, in turn triggered a love for ciphers and alphanumeric codes in me, following which I decided Computer Science was the way to go. This, of course, was a horrible idea(for me!) but I did not know it back then. Enter college life and I realise Engineering isn’t really my cup of tea. It was during this phase in my life that I found solace in books. I devoured any book I could get my hands on.

Starting with Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series, intrigued by Lisbeth and then from Sir Doyle’s Sherlock to falling in love with Rowling’s magical Harry Potter universe, and then a sudden jump into poetry with Neruda and Rumi, I expanded my library with absolute gems.

I became obsessed with reading, often consuming content rather than sleep and fodder. I isolated myself from people and delved deeper into the world of books. This naturally led to a decline in my educational activities but in turn helped spark my interest in writing.

My enthusiasm with words seemed to show because soon enough I was creating speeches and project reports for all my friends. I doodled on every scrap of paper I could find, scribbling anything I found interesting. This in-turn led to the birth of, “Even the doodles you create mindlessly seem like art to me”. You might think it’s a long lost love story, but no, it’s just me writing in third person about myself!

And to keep the love story going on, I made a promise to myself. To write and write a lot more. Book reviews, product reviews, life stage reviews, or about the best fries I’ve ever eaten. Hence, #ThingsIFindFascinating is born.

Through thick and thin, keeping me sane! :)



Shibin Joseph

Engineer by education, Sales rep by profession, Writer at heart.