Generation Gap

Aamna Imran
3 min readAug 5, 2023


generation gap

Our life is full of many complications. Family issues, financial issues, etc. occupy a major part of our lives but still, some problems are not under consideration. They are raising the biggest problem day by day. One of which is Generation Gap,

The generation gap is the difference in thoughts and beliefs of one generation in contrast to another generation.

It is obvious that in a single shelter, more than one generation is living. Because of this fact, both generations are facing a lot of issues.

Nowadays, Children prefer online websites to read informative books, but parents believe in original books as they do not emit the harmful radiation that gadgets do. According to the younger generation if they do not adopt new technologies then the world will ruin them. Just because of debates the quality of family time is destroyed.

The generation gap is not painful if there is no communication gap.


One more example is quoted.

Parents used to walk 20 minutes to save 20 rupees and children use 20 rupees to save 20 minutes. Neither the parents nor the child is wrong. Generally, the father is the breadwinner of the household and parents have to bear tough responsibilities one of which is managing finances. The child has a growth mindset and believes that it might be possible that he/she can learn something new in those 20 minutes which may cause difficulties in current days but secure the upcoming 20 years. This is the difference of opinions which we call a GENERATION GAP.

Some of the causes of the generation gap are:

1- Parents’ interference in study/life.

2- Children’s self-centeredness and immaturity.

3- The older generation’s ideas on the younger generation

4- The young generation’s independence rather than over-protection

5- The old generation sticking to outdated beliefs.

6- Lack of communication between generations.

Discussion resolves many issues and lack of communication adds oil to fuel.

It is such a delicate issue, but one can save his house from this depressed situation if he/she is determined to. It requires coordination from both sides.

Solution for the younger generation

1- The young generations should always respect their elders. It doesn't matter how educated and talented you are but the first step to be successful is to be respectful.

2- They should give their older quality time.

3- They should pay attention to their advice and suggestions because hair hasn’t turned grey by mere sunlight.

4- They should develop an understanding with their elders.

Solution for the older generation

1- They should avoid putting too much pressure on the younger generation.

2-They should try to develop an understanding with the younger generation even when it requires compromising their ego.

3- The older generations should learn new technologies and be up-to-date because the world will deny our existence if we ignore technology.

4- They should arrange a productive family time.

In all these circumstances, family time is very important.

In family life, love is that oil that eases friction, cement that binds closer together, and music that brings harmony.

~Friedrich Nietzsche

My advice to you is to never allow any factor to interrupt the quality of time you spend with your family.

The process of negotiation is one of the effective ways to overcome the effects of the Generation Gap

~Aamna Imran

