SHIELD funding

3 min readNov 22, 2017


As many people have noticed, and one of the things that people like about SHIELD is that we didn’t have a pre-mine and that there wasn’t any ICO or any other funding. This of course shows our believes that everyone should have a fair start. But there is one problem with this, we have no money or actually no income to spend on advertising/developments. How are we the team behind SHIELD going to make sure that we don’t run out of money and have to quit the project?

You shouldn’t worry about us leaving anytime soon. We have calculated how long we could go if we wouldn’t get any income whatsoever from this point onward. At this moment we could still go for about 1.5 years. Of course this would only cover us living and developing the coin and as you may know, there are more costs out there. These are all “optional” but for any good coin pretty much necessary. So we’ll still have to find a way to get an income.

Our first way of getting funding is our donation address on our website. There have already been some very nice people that have donated some very generous amount of XSH. This is one of the most obvious ways we will be funding our project. But we know how humans work and understand that people don’t like to give away money, we don’t either and it’s only understandable. This is why we are planning some different ways to support us, these ways will be less painful and will feel less like giving away money.


We have already talked to someone who is developing a kind of casino for alts with the purpose to support the developers of alts that get posted on it. The developer of the casino is very interested in SHIELD and was already working on a webapp and though that SHIELD would be a great first “test” subject. He will be giving us, the SHIELD devs a percentage if all the bets done with SHIELD on his website. We don’t know how much yet. We will be looking at more of these projects in the future but this one is close to being finished.

XSH uMine pool

The great guy(s) from uMine have opened a XSH pool where a certain % goes directly to us (what percentage is still being decided.) So you can mine SHIELD while supporting us. This way it doesn’t feel like actually giving money and you support the devs while you yourself are also getting some SHIELD. We will be trying to get more pools to give us a certain percentage but will not force anyone to do it.

PoS treasure

This is still some time until PoS itself but when we do get the PoS to a state we are happy with and we think we can publicly release it we will also look at some ways to get a certain percentage of what people stake. There are many ways we could do this. We still don’t really know how exactly we’ll do this, but we do know that it’s likely we will. More info of course, coming in the future!

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