5 Tips for Hockey Parents Heading Into a New Season

Shiftd Hockey
2 min readSep 18, 2022


Hockey parents are always filled with many emotions at this time of year; the start of a new season can be filled with excitement, angst, uncertainty, happiness, and all in between.

Here are 5 things to help you get a good start to the season:

  1. Take a breath. It is easy to get overwhelmed with all of the things going on. Remember that you are a human being. Focus on what you can control.
  2. Be present. Make sure that you can be emotionally available for your child when they need you, because at some point they will. Regardless of their age.
  3. Focus on your child, not the others. This is the single greatest threat to your little athletes’ career. Nothing else will get in the way of your child like you wanting them to be someone else’s kid. They are yours. Celebrate that at all times!
  4. Embrace the hard times. These hard times are (for the most part) small, controlled stressors. Also known as hormesis. The way your child will be able to respond to the hard times in the future (when they have bigger issues) is directly related to how you let them fail for themselves when the stakes aren’t as high.
  5. Surround yourself with the best people you can. No one knows your child like you do. But you also might not know the sport like someone else does. Many professionals in the field are looking to provide value to aspriring athletes. Find the most value. Whether they are great at coaching, skill training, mentoring, video reviewing, or being someone to just ask advice of, you will find disproportionate results from surrounding yourself with good people.

There are a lot of things to consider; these are just some of them to help get you started! But do not forget the most important one, and that is to enjoy the process! One day, you’ll remember these days as the best times of your life!

Have a great season!



Shiftd Hockey

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