Exploring the World Beyond Multiple Linear Regression Models: A Data Scientist’s Guide to Advanced Statistical Techniques

Dr Shikhar Tyagi
4 min readAug 30, 2024


Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) has been a foundational tool in data science for modelling relationships between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables. While MLR is highly effective when data conforms to its underlying assumptions — linearity, independence of observations, homoscedasticity, and normally distributed errors — it often falls short when confronted with the complexities of real-world data, particularly in time-series analysis.

Time-series data presents unique challenges due to its sequential nature, presence of trends, seasonality, and autocorrelation. Relying solely on MLR for time-series forecasting can lead to misleading results due to its inability to capture temporal dependencies. This blog delves into the limitations of MLR in time-series contexts and explores alternative advanced statistical models better suited to handle the complexities of modern data.

The Pitfall of Using MLR for Time-Series Analysis

Time-series data is sequential, with each observation depending on its predecessors. For example, in financial markets, today’s stock price is influenced by historical prices, market trends, and external economic factors. MLR’s fundamental assumption of independent observations is violated in time-series data, where autocorrelation — where current values are related to past values — plays a significant role.

Key Challenges with MLR in Time-Series Analysis:

1. Violation of Independence Assumption: MLR assumes that observations are independent of each other. In time-series data, this is rarely true because of inherent temporal dependencies.

2. Inability to Capture Temporal Patterns: MLR does not account for trends, seasonality, or cyclic behaviors common in time-series data without adding complex terms, which can make the model cumbersome and less interpretable.

3. Autocorrelation and Bias: The presence of autocorrelation leads to biased coefficient estimates, incorrect p-values, and compromised predictive performance, as MLR does not account for the time-dependent structure of the data.

The Limitations of MLR and the Need for Advanced Models

Given these challenges, it’s crucial to move beyond MLR to models that can incorporate the unique characteristics of time-series data. Here are some of the most effective alternatives:

1. Generalized Linear Models (GLMs): GLMs extend traditional linear regression to handle response variables that follow distributions other than the normal distribution, such as binomial or Poisson distributions. This flexibility makes GLMs useful for various data types, including count data, binary outcomes, and survival data. In time-series contexts, GLMs can incorporate time-based covariates to better model temporal dependencies.

2. Multilevel Models (Hierarchical Models): Multilevel models, also known as hierarchical linear models, are designed for data with nested structures, such as repeated measurements or hierarchical data (e.g., patients within hospitals). These models allow for variance at different levels, providing a nuanced understanding of complex data that MLR cannot offer. They are particularly valuable when time-series data has group-level influences or repeated measures over time.

3. Time-Series Specific Models

For time-series data, specialized models incorporate temporal dependencies directly into their structure:

ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average): ARIMA models capture dependencies among observations by incorporating past values (autoregressive terms), differencing to remove trends, and moving averages of past errors. This model is ideal for univariate time-series forecasting and can adapt to changes in trend and seasonality.

SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA): SARIMA adds a seasonal component to ARIMA, enabling the model to capture recurring patterns, making it suitable for data with strong seasonal variations, like monthly sales or temperature data.

VAR (Vector Autoregression): VAR models are designed for multivariate time series, allowing for the analysis of multiple interdependent time-series variables. It captures how each variable in the system influences the others over time.

Exponential Smoothing Models: These models assign exponentially decreasing weights to past observations, making them useful for short-term forecasting where recent data is more influential. They excel in adapting to trends and seasonality.

Prophet: Developed by Facebook, Prophet is a robust and easy-to-use tool for forecasting time series. It handles missing data, outliers, and trend changes due to external factors like holidays, making it a powerful alternative to traditional statistical models.

4. Machine Learning Models for Time-Series

Machine learning techniques have increasingly been used for time-series forecasting due to their flexibility and ability to handle complex non-linear relationships:

LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory Networks): LSTMs, a type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), excel in capturing long-term dependencies in sequential data, making them highly effective for time-series forecasting tasks where past information significantly influences future outcomes.

XGBoost and Random Forest Regressors: These tree-based models are adept at capturing non-linear interactions and relationships, especially when combined with lagged features to account for time dependencies. They provide robust predictions even in the presence of noise and complex patterns.

Embracing Complexity with the Right Tools

The main takeaway for data scientists is to recognize the limitations of MLR and adopt models that embrace the inherent complexity of real-world data. Advanced statistical models like GLMs, multilevel models, and time-series-specific techniques offer more flexibility, accuracy, and insight, particularly when dealing with sequential and interdependent data.



Dr Shikhar Tyagi

Dr. Shikhar Tyagi, Assistant Professor at Christ Deemed to be University, specializes in Probability Theory, Frailty Models, Survival Analysis, and more.