Impact of Indian Election of 2024 on the IT Sector: A Comprehensive Analysis

Dr Shikhar Tyagi
3 min readApr 17, 2024


The Indian Election of 2024 represents a critical juncture for the Information Technology (IT) sector, a cornerstone of India’s economic prowess and global standing. The outcomes of this election and subsequent policy shifts hold significant implications for the trajectory of the IT industry. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the nuanced impact of the 2024 Indian Election on the IT sector, elucidating key areas of influence supported by detailed statistics and insightful analysis.

Government Policies and Regulations
The IT sector’s growth and innovation are intricately intertwined with government policies and regulations, which dictate the operating environment for businesses in the industry. Post the 2024 election, changes in policies related to taxation, cybersecurity, data privacy, and foreign investment are anticipated, thereby shaping the sector’s landscape.

The Indian IT industry is a stalwart contributor to the nation’s GDP, accounting for approximately 8% of the total, and employs over 4.5 million professionals, as reported by the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM).
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into the Indian IT and software services sector surged to $26.1 billion in the fiscal year 2022–2023, reflecting robust investor confidence (Source: Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade).
The National Cyber Security Strategy, introduced in 2023, underscores the government’s commitment to fortifying cybersecurity measures to safeguard critical digital infrastructure.

Potential Impact
Taxation policy reforms could have profound ramifications on the profitability and investment decisions of IT companies, necessitating strategic recalibration.
Heightened cybersecurity regulations might compel IT firms to bolster their compliance measures, potentially increasing operational costs and resource allocation.
Amendments to data privacy laws could necessitate comprehensive overhauls in data management practices, demanding substantial investments in compliance frameworks.

Skilled Workforce and Talent Acquisition
A skilled and dynamic workforce forms the bedrock of the IT sector, and government initiatives aimed at nurturing talent through education and skill development programs play a pivotal role in shaping the industry’s human capital landscape.

India’s annual output of over 1.5 million engineering graduates fuels the IT sector’s talent pool, contributing significantly to its vibrancy and innovation capabilities (Source: All India Council for Technical Education).
The ambitious Skill India campaign, spearheaded by the government, aims to impart skill training to over 400 million individuals by 2022, fostering a skilled workforce ready to meet the demands of the evolving IT landscape.

Potential Impact
Policy measures promoting education and skill development initiatives could bolster the availability of qualified professionals, catalyzing innovation and bolstering the sector’s global competitiveness.
Incentives for Research and Development (R&D) endeavors may incentivize IT firms to invest in talent acquisition and skill enhancement initiatives, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

International Trade and Global Competitiveness
As a linchpin of India’s export-oriented economy, the IT sector’s global competitiveness hinges on favorable international trade dynamics and diplomatic engagements.

India’s IT and ITeS exports soared to $150.6 billion in the fiscal year 2022–2023, with the United States emerging as the largest export destination, accounting for over 60% of the total revenue (Source: NASSCOM).
The intricate interplay of trade agreements and diplomatic relations shapes the contours of the global market landscape for Indian IT firms, influencing their competitive positioning and growth prospects.

Potential Impact
Alterations in visa regulations, particularly in key markets like the United States, could disrupt the mobility of Indian IT professionals, potentially impeding service delivery and market penetration efforts.
Strategic trade agreements and diplomatic overtures may unlock new avenues for market expansion, enabling Indian IT firms to diversify their revenue streams and fortify their global footprint.

The Indian Election of 2024 heralds a watershed moment for the IT sector, with far-reaching implications for its growth trajectory and competitive dynamics. By meticulously analyzing the statistics and discerning trends, it becomes evident that the industry’s resilience and adaptability will be tested in the wake of policy shifts post-election. Stakeholders must remain vigilant, agile, and proactive in navigating the evolving landscape, leveraging emerging opportunities, and mitigating potential challenges to propel the IT sector toward sustained growth and global leadership.



Dr Shikhar Tyagi

Dr. Shikhar Tyagi, Assistant Professor at Christ Deemed to be University, specializes in Probability Theory, Frailty Models, Survival Analysis, and more.