Experiential Team Development Activities Are On-Going Trends In New-Age Organizations.

Shikha shah
3 min readAug 7, 2019


Did you know that employees from different parts of the world bond and engage differently?

A team-building activity in Gurgaon may not work in Mumbai. So it implies that every city has its unique traits and norms that must be followed. So it is very important to understand how to organize team-building workshops in Indian cities.

Adult education has a different perspective. It mostly deals with learning skills as needed.

Adults are inclined towards gaining new knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills. So, before organizing team building events in your organization, it is very important to brief employees on the highlights and takeaways from the team development programs.

Also read: The secret of experience-based team building events is NOW revealed

Assure your employees that they are investing their time in team development programs rather than spending aimlessly on programs.

One of the best ways to emphasize the importance of incorporating experiential learning programs is to showcase the case studies of those organizations who had executed and benefited from it.

To make it further clear, introduce your employees to these two case studies on how experiential team building programs helped employees of the corporate organization to build a better future for themselves as well as the organization.

1. How First Time Managers Became Competent Leaders With this Experiential Learning Workshop.

2. How An Experiential Workshop Helped an Automotive Company Build a Productive Workforce

In order to foster deeper learning, problem-based learning or project-based skills, continuous learning is a must.

In the 21st century’s communication and collaboration, these are the two essential skills which are a must for the career growth of an individual and organization.

To further improve workplace performance, you can apply the 70:20:10 model to put learning and development into practice.

What is the 70:20:10 model of learning and development?

This model digs deeper into how development takes place at the workplace and how to take employee performance to the next level.

Every development hangs between current and future needs.

It begins with the realization of where you are and where you want to reach.

The 70:20:10 model of learning has shone a light on how the learning process takes place.

The on-job experience provides 70% of the learning. The following 20% is through feedback from co-workers and managers. The formal education program contributes to the remaining 10% of our learning needs which is through seminars, training programs, and online courses.

This is how the model is formed and this is how we learn.

So get your employees into this model of learning and see them revealing their true potential.

To make this happen, take a look at these experiential team building events which may be helpful.

1. Why Power Play is a reliable team development activity

2. Is the FreshBIz experiential learning program promoting entrepreneurial thinking?

Did you get an idea on how to get your employees enrolled for team building events?

Are you aware of any experiential team building activities?

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