Learn the difference- Extraction vs. Root Canal

4 min readOct 31, 2022


Tooth decay is a general dental issue due to bad dental hygiene and infections. Teeth are exposed to infections as there is a smooth cavity at the center of each tooth.

If you need to get rid of an infected tooth, tooth extraction or a root canal may seem like the simplest option. Let’s learn about tooth extraction vs root canal, which might help you determine which is more reliable.

The process of tooth extraction

During this process, your dentist may give you a shot of local anesthesia and use a special tool to pull out the infected tooth.

The anesthesia will numb the infected part so that you won’t feel any kind of pain during the prying and pulling of the tooth. Nonetheless, you may start to feel pain after the anesthesia fizzles out.

What are the risks involved in a tooth extraction?

There is a higher chance of getting infections after tooth extraction. Once the infected tooth has been pulled out, an unpleasant space is left in your mouth. This could be an upbringing ground for several bacteria and lead to infections that might spread instantly to other teeth.

An extracted tooth creates complications for the adjoining teeth as well. They don’t have any support and might start to get weak. This can lead to misalignment, overlapping, and overcrowding.

This can be concerning because one tooth can cause other teeth to decay, and later on, you may lose all your teeth, or they will start to get infected.

How to prevent infections after a tooth extraction?

The easiest solution is to replace the missing tooth. This can be done through a couple of treatment options, such as a dental bridge or dental implant.

Aftercare of tooth extraction

After completing the tooth extraction process, you might feel some discomfort and pain. You may also be asked to refrain from chewing or eating for around 2 days, as it can lead to bleeding and new infections.

Root canal procedure

This is not a painful process. Many people think it is more agonizing than a tooth extraction. However, with the help of anesthesia, there will be no pain.

The process begins by analyzing the patient’s mouth through X-rays. This helps check the infection’s severity and the number of teeth affected.

A sheet of vinyl or rubber is then placed on the infected tooth and the neighboring teeth. A hole is created inside the vinyl sheet or rubber to uncover the tooth that needs treatment. This is done to prevent the infection from reaching other parts.

Then a hole is drilled in the infected tooth to get to the enamel where the affected pulp is. The dentist will detach this pulp and dead tissues with special tools. Your dentist will clean the area and put something on it to protect it, like an antibacterial or antiseptic solution.

The canal walls and the hole are treated through root canal fillings. Your healthcare provider might prescribe you some antibiotics for a couple of days to reduce the discomfort and eliminate the chances of infection.

What are the risks involved in a root canal?

If not done appropriately, there may be impairment to your enamel during the process. Aside from that, if any infected material stays, it could cause an abscess to form and grow.

Aftercare of root canal

Your dentist might suggest you avoid solid foods for a couple of days. You may feel some discomfort or pain that can be managed through medications.

The cost difference between tooth extraction and root canal

Generally, a root canal treatment is a bit costlier than a tooth extraction; to avoid dental drift or jawbone deterioration, you must consider getting a dental bridge or dental implant after the tooth extraction process, which might cost you more money.

However, root canal treatment keeps your original tooth in place. It ends the need for tooth replacement later on and can save you money in the long run.

Tooth extraction or root canal: which one is better?

In several cases, root canal treatment is a better treatment for infected teeth. Although there are some exceptions, like if your tooth suffered intense damage,

Our dentist at Grandview Dental Clinic will properly check your dental health before making treatment suggestions.

At Grandview Dental Clinic, we have highly experienced dentists specializing in tooth extraction and root canal treatment. If you face any dental issues, don’t waste your time and visit our dental office as soon as possible. We offer comprehensive oral care to all of our patients.

