Shiku Njathi
1 min readJan 22, 2016


I was attached. First to WhatsApp in the early days. I deleted my WhatsApp in June 2014. Never gone back. Never missed it. I got to the point it didn't matter any more. I deleted my Facebook and Instagram data and hid my apps, because I thought I’d go back. That was over three months ago. It is true the information they feed you constantly is not necessary at all. Most times, it’s the exact opposite. I am a social media manager but somehow, I manage to stay away. Don’t ask. It’s not even a struggle. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Twitter is not really a social network in my books, so I chose to stick with it. In other words, it’s not really about leaving these networks and messaging apps, it’s how you choose to use them and what you neglect while you overuse them. And thus, yes, social media detachment is more than possible. It has been done. People are doing it. My dad has no idea what social media is.

