“Those were the best days of my life”— 6 Days 6 Learnings

Shilpa Prabhu
5 min readJul 1, 2020


This song by Bryan Adams best describes some of the beautiful phases in Life.

The last six days have been very insightful to me and I am sure going forward I will remember them as the song goes … Those were the Best Days of my Life.

Here is what happened.

Idle time with idle mind equals to endless mindless scrolling on Social Media… I mean who doesn’t. That’s the power of Social Media. ( I was to learn this shortly). During one such session, the Contentvidhya pops up on my screen

A workshop on Content writing. I am interested. I read the ad, go through their Instagram account, Facebook as well, all looks genuine ( you know what I mean), the effort and work of the team were visible. The fees looked reasonable, the duration not too long, the topics were relevant, the timing for the session also manageable, I go to enroll, the payment fails AND I let go. This was in May 2020. But the mindless scrolling continued and the ContentVidhya ad too kept popping up…It plays on my mind all the time. Finally, when the ad for the 22nd June Batch pops up, I enroll and I AM IN.

Image source Google Images

Learning #1: If you come across something on Social Media which interests you, go for it else all Social Media Platforms have the power to make you go for it. SOCIAL MEDIA IS ALL POWERFUL.

The workshop starts with the team sharing the flow of the entire session beforehand through a WhatsApp group. A very exhaustive set of instructions. Lots of Don’ts and a few Dos. The session starts on time. The chat-box is disabled, mics on Mute, cameras off.

CRISP is the word for the days to come. If you could bite there would be a CRUNCH.

The topics for the respective days are dealt with a tight fist. All topics for the respective days dealt with absolute clarity. No area would be left out. No question will go unanswered as long as it in line with the course content for the day. No repeat questions will be answered. What has already been discussed will not be repeated. So PAY ATTENTION in CLASS (remember School). You ignored the instruction list at your Peril.

image source Google images

Learning #2: CLARITY in thought, in words, in instructions, in actions, in answering queries and in time management, at the same time encouraging, guiding, supporting, and the “I am there to assist at any time” comfort. CONDUCT IS AS IMPORTANT AS CONTENT.

You could be from any background, from any field, any social strata, any educational field, speaking any language. If you want to do something, and are willing to learn and improve in whatever you are passionate about. Then no one can stop you. You stumble, you crawl, you walk, and will eventually run. Uma Madhavi our instructor/ Trainer is an inspiration who has been there done that.

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Learning 3: Passion, Perseverance, Patience, and hard work will get you where you want to be. Just be at it. Lage raho. NEVER GIVE UP.

Writing is a skill set. One could have a flair for it or learn it along the way and certainly can be fine-tuned and improved. You may not be good at many aspects in pursuit of your Passion. But today you need not worry. There are ample tools and technologies available to help you achieve your writing dreams or any other for that matter. You just have to keep looking and asking.

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Learning 4: TECHNOLOGY IS A GREAT LEVELER. There is ample guidance available and most of it is Free in the online space.

I have been running my business for the last 7 years. Business is good only when you can reach out to a larger audience. I have used Social Media to reach out to my customers and had been fairly successful. The reason for joining this course was to be able to understand how I could improve my writing when posting on Social Media. In that sense, the last 6 days have been an Eye Opener. In terms of customer engagement, Keywords, reach of various platforms, how to promote on different platforms, organic reach vs paid promotion OMG!!!! The takeaways are endless. I was on the right track but had derailed somewhere en route.

Social Media for Business . Image source Google

Learning 5: The only and only way to reach your customers is through Social Media and Digital Marketing. The sooner you accept and adapt You will stay in Business. CUSTOMER IS KING, SOCIAL MEDIA CAN BE THE KINGMAKER.

My elder kid, all of 15 years, just like the rest of their generation is hooked to Social Media. So when I mentioned that I am learning Content Writing and the various sites which help in the process, the reaction was priceless “you are learning it now, I am aware of all that”.

image Source Google Images

Learning 6: Never underestimate the younger generation and never get off the Learning Curve. KEEP LEARNING to KEEP UP.

And now starts the time to implement these learnings with a big shout out to Uma Madhavi and the ContentVidhya Team — THANK YOU.

