Igniting the Fire Within: How Finding the Right Motivation Transforms Your Learning Journey

Shimon Moyal
8 min readMay 5, 2023


Welcome to the first article in a series dedicated to helping you navigate the learning process using a technique I’ve developed called “Tutorial Heaven.” This approach is designed to counteract the well-known phenomenon of “Tutorial Hell,” where learners often find themselves stuck in a never-ending cycle of consuming tutorials without making any real progress. Through “Tutorial Heaven,” I’ll guide you on how to effectively learn from any guide or tutorial and become more efficient and successful in your learning journey.

Before diving into the specifics of this technique, it’s essential to address a fundamental aspect of learning: motivation. Understanding and harnessing the power of motivation is crucial for making the most of your learning experience. As we’ve discussed in this article, finding your “why” and maintaining a strong connection to your purpose can significantly impact your ability to learn and grow. Once you’ve established your motivation, you’ll be better equipped to embrace the “Tutorial Heaven” approach, which will be detailed in the upcoming articles in this series. So, stay tuned as we explore how to break free from “Tutorial Hell” and unlock your full learning potential.

Ever since I first read Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning,” my life has been profoundly changed. The famous quote, “If you find a why, then you can bear any how,” has become a guiding principle in my personal and professional journey. This powerful book offers countless insights into the human experience and can help us in various aspects of our lives. In this blog post, I’ll share how Frankl’s ideas have specifically impacted my approach to learning and acquiring new skills. By finding the right “why” behind my desire to learn, I’ve discovered that I can overcome any obstacle and truly immerse myself in the learning process, no matter how challenging it may be.

Man’s Search For Meaning

As we embark on the journey of learning something new, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the vastness of information and the seemingly never-ending process of acquiring knowledge. It’s in moments like these that we need to find the right motivation to keep us going. In his influential book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl introduced the concept of Logotherapy, which emphasizes the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life. In this blog post, we’ll explore how tapping into this “burning” motivation can transform the way we learn and help us embrace the challenges of mastering new subjects and topics.

Finding your “why” or personal purpose is a deeply individual journey that may require introspection, self-discovery, and exploration. Based on the teachings of Viktor Frankl and other sources, here are some steps to help you find your own “why”:

  1. Self-reflection: Take some time to reflect on your values, passions, and experiences. Consider what truly matters to you, what brings you joy, and what you’re genuinely interested in. Reflect on moments in your life when you felt the most fulfilled or alive.
  2. Identify your strengths: Determine your natural talents, skills, and areas of expertise. By understanding your strengths, you can better align your purpose with activities and pursuits where you can make the most significant impact.
  3. Explore different experiences: Expose yourself to a variety of activities, fields, and communities. By engaging in diverse experiences, you may discover new interests or passions that could become central to your life’s purpose.
  4. Connect with others: Engage with people who share your interests, values, or aspirations. They may provide insights, inspiration, or guidance on your path to discovering your “why.”
  5. Look for patterns: As you explore your interests, values, strengths, and experiences, try to identify common themes or patterns. These recurring motifs can offer clues about your purpose or direction in life.
  6. Set meaningful goals: Once you have a better understanding of your values, passions, and strengths, set goals that align with these elements. Pursuing meaningful goals can help you develop a deeper sense of purpose.
  7. Be open to change: Recognize that your “why” may evolve over time as you gain new experiences and insights. Be open to the possibility of change and growth, and allow your purpose to adapt as you continue on your life’s journey.
  8. Practice gratitude and mindfulness: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the experiences and people who have shaped your life. Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and motivations, making it easier to identify your “why.”
  9. Seek guidance from mentors or role models: Look for individuals who embody a sense of purpose or meaning in their lives. They may offer valuable guidance, support, or inspiration as you strive to find your own “why.”
  10. Apply logotherapy principles: Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy emphasizes the importance of meaning and purpose in life. By using the principles of logotherapy, such as identifying values, pursuing goals, and embracing responsibility, you can develop a deeper understanding of your “why” and how it relates to your overall well-being.

Remember that finding your “why” is a continuous journey rather than a one-time event. By remaining curious, open, and reflective, you can continue to refine your purpose and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Learning with a burning motivation, fueled by a strong sense of purpose and meaning, can transform the way we approach and engage with new subjects and topics. By embracing the ideas of Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy, we can ignite our inner fire and turn our learning journey into a fulfilling and inspiring experience. So the next time you find yourself facing a new challenge, remember to tap into your deeper motivations and let them guide you towards success.


I can tell you from personal experience that having the right motivation makes a world of difference when it comes to learning. I remember a time when I was truly passionate about learning a new language. What struck me was how every available moment seemed to be dedicated to practicing and improving my language skills. Whether it was listening to podcasts during my commute or engaging in conversations with native speakers, I found myself constantly immersed in the learning process.

This was a stark contrast to a previous experience where I tried to learn a subject that I wasn’t genuinely interested in, simply because I thought it would look good on my resume. In that situation, I constantly struggled to stay engaged, and I found myself procrastinating and avoiding the material at every turn. It was only when I discovered a subject that truly ignited my passion that I realized the incredible impact of having the right motivation on my learning journey.

Tuning into your gut feeling or intuition can be an essential tool in determining if your “why” is genuinely right for you. Our intuition often sends us signals when something feels off or misaligned with our true selves. For example, if you’re trying to learn something new and it consistently makes you feel uneasy or unhappy, consider how you would feel doing this task for 6–8 hours a day or over an extended period. If you struggle to bear the thought of spending even a few minutes engaged in this activity, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to sustain it for longer durations or under the pressure of deadlines. Paying attention to these emotional cues can help you discern whether the path you’re considering aligns with your values, passions, and overall well-being. By listening to your inner voice and heeding these signals, you’ll be better equipped to find a “why” that truly resonates with you and supports your long-term happiness and success.

There are various types of “why” that can drive a person’s motivation and sense of purpose, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Your “why” could be centered around self-fulfillment, personal growth, a desire to make a difference in the world, financial security, or even the pursuit of recognition and status. Each of these motivating factors holds value and can contribute to a meaningful and satisfying life. What’s essential is that you remain honest with yourself about what truly drives and inspires you. By acknowledging your genuine motivations and embracing your unique “why,” you can create a more authentic, purpose-driven life that aligns with your values, aspirations, and personal definition of success. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to finding your “why” — the key is to stay true to yourself and pursue what genuinely resonates with you.

Once you’ve discovered your “why,” it’s important to keep it at the forefront of your mind to maintain focus and motivation. There are several techniques you can use to remind yourself of your purpose and embed it into your daily routine. For instance, writing your “why” on a post-it note and placing it on your computer screen or workspace ensures that you see it throughout the day. Another creative method is incorporating your “why” into your password, which can serve as a constant reminder each time you type it. Since we use passwords multiple times a day, this approach reinforces your sense of purpose and helps keep you grounded in your motivations. By using these techniques or coming up with your own, you can strengthen your connection to your “why” and stay focused on what truly matters to you. This constant reinforcement will empower you to make more intentional choices and overcome challenges as you pursue your goals and aspirations.

In summary, finding your “why” is a vital aspect of learning and personal growth. By understanding your true motivations and passions, you can approach new subjects and experiences with purpose and drive. Drawing inspiration from Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” and the principles of logotherapy, we’ve explored the importance of aligning your motivation with your values, interests, and strengths. We’ve also discussed various ways to discover your “why,” how to recognize if it’s truly right for you, and techniques to keep it at the forefront of your mind. As you embark on your journey of learning and self-discovery, remember that being honest with yourself and tuning into your intuition are crucial in finding a “why” that truly resonates with you. I hope this article helps you find your “why” — now go out and embrace it!

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Shimon Moyal

I'm a fullstack web developer by day, a sci-fi fanatic by night, and a martial artist whenever danger strikes. love learning, coding, and telling stories