Shines Whitepaper V1

6 min readApr 7, 2022


Table of content

  1. Story
  2. About the game
  3. Properties of shines
  4. Properties of companions
  5. Properties of creatures
  6. Upgrading and burning system
  7. $Shines earning mechanics
  8. Leaderboard


This story begins in future, 189 years from now in 2211. 3332 girls were born, in different parts of the world. The strange thing was, that the women who gave birth to them, had no idea they were pregnant the day before.

All of them were adopted by self made billionaire Dr. Rays who strongly believes that the earth will be under attack soon by civilizations from different galaxies, and these supernatural kids are the only chance for humanity to survive. So she built a special “home” for these children to raise and train them, helping them discover their abilities.

After 6 years of training, children revealed themselves as the soldiers of 4 Elements, meaning that they each have an ability to affect and control one of the 4 elements, them being: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air

After 11 years

Now they have reached 11 years, which means they are ready for extensive training. Today they will be divided into groups of four. In each group, there will be one defender presenting one of the elements. After completing their training, they will be ready to leave their “home” and take their positions in different parts of the world.

There is not much time left, they need to hurry…the war is coming.

Its 2217 on earth, shines are stronger and well equipped, ready to fulfill their mission.

While being raised together, they know everything about each other, but what remains a mystery is Dr. Rays. While being present and involved in each and every shines development, no one knows her backstory. When asked questions she says: “When the day comes, I will tell you everything”.

After the last training session, the time has come and the truth was revealed. Dr.Rays, was born 750 light-years away from the Solar system, on the darkest planet called “Planet 01”.

She herself was a Shine, together with her 2 other friends. She also was getting ready for the war. The war came and the evil was defeated, but even then and there they knew the evil was gone, but not for good. So after the battle, the Shines who survived the war decided to separate throughout the galaxy, live on different planets, and help those living on them to prepare for the next war.

Dr. Rays decided to go on planet earth, to strengthen her powers and wait for the signs of the war to get closer. The other 2 shines did the same, but not every other planet had the same role to play.

The planet “Iany” and its patron shine had to look for, examine and test the crystals, that would help the shines and serve them as talismans — maximizing their power.

The planet “Zerra” and its patron had a mission tougher than the other 2, as every other planet had the role, to search for resources, gathering information, building strategies, and examining the horizons. “Zerra” was raising the soldiers!

Soldiers that would accompany shines in the war, and while Shines are natural creatures and could never outnumber the evil, they would need help, war-force, soldiers trained to win, Companions who are destined to fight bravely in the upcoming war, while being raised from day one to do, and act so.

*DISCLAIMER: These numbers are subject to change before the game launch, only in case we find something that affects the game economy positively.

About the game

Shines is Ethereum blockchain-based idle combat staking game. Initially, our goal was to create a P2E game considering the experiences of past successful/failed projects and build a truly self-sustainable game economy. During these 5 months, we’ve seen a wave of P2E projects that have failed to deliver a healthy passive income stream, therefore we emphasized on creating an economy that would benefit players in the long run.

We played lots of P2E games during the game development and we feel we have to mention Raid Party as a special contributor to our concept. We appreciate the work they have done for the space and feel obligated to say thank you to the team.

To play the game you will need to own and stake at least 1 Shines NFT or Shines Companion NFT. The game is all about slaying the Alien Creatures. The more damage you make, the more $Shines tokens you will generate. The creatures are randomly spawned and they all have different rarity, duration, and damage multiplier. Other damage contributing factors are Shines and Companions levels, a combination of elements and crystals. The amount of damage you do equals the amount of $Shines you earn in 24h. For detailed game mechanics please read below.

Properties of Shines

Base damage: 150

Max level: 10

Base team multiplier: 1.1

Team limit: 3–9

Maximum supply: 3333

*This is the only token that can’t be minted in-game

**Staking all four elements together multiplies overall damage by 1.15x

Properties of Companions

Base damage: 30

Max level: 10

Maximum active supply: 25 000

Properties of Creatures

Upgrading and Burning System

90% of all the transactions of $Shines are burnt

10% goes to the shines treasury from which 80% (8% of overall turnover) goes to the leaderboard, 10% (1% of overall turnover) goes to Dr.Rays 10% (1% of overall turnover) to the team.

$Shines (Earning Mechanics)

This is the part where we believe we made the most important improvement, compared with some previous P2E games, which serves the purpose of stabilizing the supply of generated tokens based on the number of stakers.

Logic: We want to ensure that the more players there are in the game the fewer tokens are issued per damage done to the creatures, which may seem like a less earnings for the players but in fact, this is the mechanic which guarantees less risk of inflation. We believe that more players=more tokens generated is not a sustainable way to keep the value of the token stable, so we want to weaken this side effect of growth on the token supply. You will earn less $Shines with more players involved in the game, however, more players in the game means more demand on $Shines token, in the end, your earnings are more stable.
TLDR you earn less $Shines, but your $Shines has more value per token and there is less risk involved.


As we mentioned above prize pool is 8% of the total $Shines spent. See the distribution below.

Starting from place 6th award decreases by 0.005% till place 50th




Ethereum blockchain-based Idle combat P2E staking game