understanding hospice care

shining light
1 min readJul 1, 2022


Hospice is a type of care that provides compassionate care for people who are terminally ill and in pain. Hospice offers patients the opportunity to live as long as possible with minimal discomfort and stress.

The goal of hospice care is to provide relief from symptoms, promote comfort, and support the patient during their final days or weeks. It focuses on providing personalized treatment that meets the individual’s needs, rather than following a predetermined plan.

Hospice care can be provided in a variety of settings, including homes, hospitals, nursing homes or clinics. Patients typically receive around-the-clock care from a team of specialists who monitor their condition and adjust their treatment accordingly.

There are many benefits to receiving hospice care. First, it allows patients to spend their final days or weeks in peace and comfort. Second, it helps them avoid the added stress and burden that comes with conventional hospital or nursing home care. Third, it can shorten the time spent on deathwatch by helping patients peacefully pass away instead of enduring an agonizing end phase. More info Visit: compassion care hospice las vegas



shining light

At Shining Light Hospice, we believe that compassionate care should be the rule. That is especially true when a loved one is nearing the end of his or her life.