Biology of Dexamethasone: The First Lifesaving Drug for Covid-19

How does it work; how does it fare against other drugs and diseases; its side effects, immunosuppression concerns, and clinical benefits.

Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts


Source: melvil / CC BY-SA (

The First Lifesaving Drug

It’s in the headlines. A cheap and widely available drug saves lives from severe Covid-19. The RECOVERY Trial by Oxford University in the UK included 2104 patients on dexamethasone and 4321 who were not. This is one of the largest clinical trials to date.

Preliminary results showed that the drug lowered the death risk from 40% to 28% for patients on ventilators, and from 25% to 20% for those requiring supplemental oxygen over 28 days. There were no substantial side effects. And it did not help mild Covid-19 cases without any breathing issues.

Putting it into context, dexamethasone could save one life when applied to eight patients on ventilators and 25 patients needing oxygen therapy. So, the NNT (Number Needed to Treat) value of dexamethasone in rescuing ventilator-related death is eight, which is impressive by clinical standards. For comparison, the NNT of statins in preventing heart diseases is 104.



Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts

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