3 min readApr 16, 2020

<Sacco And Vanzetti>《萨科与万泽蒂


— — H·G·威尔斯

The guilt or innocence of these two Italians is not the issue that has excited the opinion of the world. Possibly they were actual murderers, and still more possibly they knew more than they would admit about the crime. … Europe is not “retrying” Sacco and Vanzetti or anything of the sort. It is saying what it thinks of Judge Thayer. Executing political opponents as political opponents after the fashion of Mussolini and Moscow we can understand, or bandits as bandits; but this business of trying and executing murderers as Reds, or Reds as murderers, seems to be a new and very frightening line for the courts of a State in the most powerful and civilized Union on earth to pursue.








It has been almost 100 years since the Sarko and Vanzetti Case, and the Western have not lost their interest in this case among the people and art circles. As a Chinese, it is actually a little difficult to comprehend, but we can understand it by opening our own history book:Our people often need prosperity and stability more than freedom, just like some kind of tacit agreement reached between the government and the people after 1989: they provide a better life standard, and we should no longer care about the political sphere.

Back to the topic.

From a rational point of view, it is difficult to say that Sacco and Vanzetti are innocent, so why are Westerners flatter those two people so much, even regarded them as some kind of “anarchist saint who died of government brutality”? It is probably the democratic tradition that many Chinese do not like to listen to. Most Western countries have gone through decades or even hundreds of years of democratization, and guard against the “big government” has penetrated into the hearts of every citizen. And this case happens to be a good example of public power interference in justice.

As we all know, there is no perfect laws on this planet.No matter where you are,there always some unjust cases happened. All we can do is to learn from the lessons and perfect the law as much as possible, it ’s totally waste of time to imagine a lawbook which can solve everything.OJ Simpson, who is been wildly dentified by most people, including myself. It is precisely because the case followed the correct judicial process, the judge and the prosecutor have tried their best to prevent outside forces from interfering with the jury ’s view. Coupled with the prosecutor ’s previous racist actions, Simpson himself was legally allowed to go unpunished and no further lawsuits could be brought against him. Although it is very unfair to the victim, this case still can be said to be a trophy in the history of modern American justice. It fully explains that if the user of public power has a clear malicious tendency to infringe on the individual, the law stands on procedural justice side.

At last, let’s talk about ourselves. Our expectation of “bad guys getting sanctioned” is much larger than the expectation of “whether to sanction criminal by legal and reasonable means”. The first reason is that the status of the law in history has always been lower than that of administrative power. It has made the Chinese people have very strong ‘Wise-King Complex’, and it has also created a group of famous honest officials such as Hai Rui and Bao Zheng. It also practiced more of the corrupted officials who we called the name or not,who can distort the law arbitrarily for the benefit.The second is that we believe in our hearts that we will not be a criminal in this life, and that the great wheel of power will not run over our heads,too.

I hope so.