Technical debates that kill projects before they even start

Ship it Good
1 min readAug 25, 2014


  • “Should we use Sass or Less?”
  • “Which testing framework should we use?”
  • “RSpec and Cucumber or Test::Unit?”
  • “Should we use tabs or spaces in our code?”
  • “Which project management software should we use?”
  • “ERB or HAML?”
  • “Grunt or Gulp?”
  • “Raw metal? Heroku?”
  • “Should we use Bootstrap or roll our own CSS from scratch?”
  • “Requirejs or Browserify or Sprockets?”
  • “Bitbucket or GitHub?”
  • “Vim or Emacs?”
  • “Should we design for IE6 or for Chrome?”
  • “Cloud or host on our own hardware?”
  • “Scrum or Kanban?”
  • “Weekly or daily scrum?”
  • “SQL or NoSQL?”
  • “Who wants to work on this?”

Did we miss any?

Leave a response below, and we’ll add it to our list!



Ship it Good

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