How to Pack Compact and Take More Shipit Listings?

More goods or services usually means more gain. As a Shipit traveler, you can earn as mush as to cover your flight costs partially or even entirely. The more senders’ listings you accept and the more parcels you deliver, the more is your total traveler fee. Today we share some tips on how to pack to be able to take more parcels.

As we want to use bags or suitcases to their maximum capacity, we need to find out how to save the space when packing your own stuff or how to fold and pack your clothes and other items to make it compact.

These are the main principles to follow to achieve that.

Roll your clothes.

Lay your T-shirt or shirt face-down. Fold the sleeves onto the main body. Fold the entire thing in halves, grab the collar end and roll it up.

The same can be applied to jeans and other pants just skip the ‘sleeve part’.

Use organizers.

Small rectangular bags are perfect for separating different small articles of clothes like hats, scarves, gloves, socks and underwear from each other and packing them in a more space-effective way.

Stuff socks into shoes.

This trick serves 3 purposes: makes it obvious where to find the socks, keeps the shoes from deformation, and saves more space in your suitcase.

Make bundles.

Piling several items on each other and folding the largest one (a raincoat, f.e.) around others to make a bundle allows you to pack those bundles nice and easy and get some more free space for other things.

Wear the heaviest pair.

You might want to put on your heaviest boots or shoes to avoid stuffing them into the suitcase and making it heavier.

And an extra tip to save you a trouble of filling in customs declaration forms.

Make a list.

A list of the stuff you have on you while traveling can be very useful. You can also put down approximate value of items to make filling forms even easier. Better have a digital copy of that stored on your smartphone and not on a paper (easy to loose) or in a cloud (Internet connection can fail you sometimes).



Shipit Official - Crowdsourced Express Deliveries

Shipit is an app that connects senders and travelers around the globe and allows them to ship packages at lower costs and earn an extra dollar while traveling.