Shipit Safety: In Reviews We Trust

‘How do I trust a traveler? I have just met them. What if something happens to my parcel?’ These are reasonable concerns of any sender planning to ship something via Shipit. On the other hand, travelers also may feel preoccupied about whether the parcel they agreed to deliver is safe and will not get them into any trouble. How does Shipit deal with that?

To address these issues, Shipit incorporates review system similar to those of review websites. Cointelegraph pointed out in their article that reviews posted on such sites can be deceiving or fake. That is true. Some companies steep down to posting positive fake reviews about themselves to win customers. Some Shipit users could do the same. Naturally, there could be suspicions that Shipit is ‘mishandling’ fake reviews to profit from that as well.

To avoid such events and suspicions, all customers reviews posted by Shipit customers are going to be stored on blockchain. Once uploaded to the network, they will become impossible to edit, modify or delete. Blockchain properties simply exclude any possibility of mingling with the data stored on it. This way all customers will have access to the history record of each other which is transparent and trustworthy.

Yet, what about users who are absolutely new to the app? Well, Shipit’s KYC procedures and background checks shall spare the community of potentially dangerous newcomers. If a person is willing to pass a strict KYC procedure and allows Shipit’s administration to conduct a criminal background check on them, this person could be worth of your trust.

As a sender, you can always insure your parcel by requiring a deposit to be created by the traveler. From there, the traveler bears the financial liability as the collateral is held from their account. In case something happens to the parcel, all damages will be indemnified to you by the deposit.

As a traveler, you are entitled to conduct a manual check of the parcel you are about to accept to deliver. If a device does not switch on properly; if a plastic or china figurine or toy is heavier than it should be and might have some hidden compartments; if some weird noses come out of an item when you give it a shake; if you touch an article of clothes and something feels odd; — be sure, you have all the right to refuse to make a delivery and you should use it! If the meet-up takes place at the airport and there is an X-ray scanner, ask the sender to pass the parcel through.

This way both, a sender and a traveler, can take care of their safety by themselves.



Shipit Official - Crowdsourced Express Deliveries

Shipit is an app that connects senders and travelers around the globe and allows them to ship packages at lower costs and earn an extra dollar while traveling.