Shipit’s Guide to Resolving Issues

When it comes to P2P transactions many things might go wrong. From delayed deliveries to wrong items mail forwarded, today we take a look at some problematic situations that may happen and how to avoid or deal with them.

Flight Delay

In case the flight get delayed, a traveler should immediately contact the sender and let them know via inbuilt messenger so that they could postpone the deadline. This way the delivery won’t be deemed by the app as a failed one and the traveler will get their deposit back. The delay may be proved by a photo of arrival/departures chart.

Checking Contents

If a sender refuses to let the traveler check the contents of the parcel, the traveler must refuse to accept it. Otherwise, the traveler should manually check the parcel and make sure that there is nothing suspicious about it. This process must be filmed by both parties. The video then is stored in the app and is used in case dispute resolution is required.

Delivery Latency

A traveler may fail to make a delivery due to several reasons. Literally, anything could happen. They could fall ill and become unable to continue the trip. Their luggage might get lost by the airlines. Or the recipient might not come to the hand-off point. If anything like this happens, the sender must be notified via messenger and substantiated by photos of relevant documents (medical conclusion or lost luggage form) and/or video (film yourself at the place and current time when the hand-off must have take place).

Customs Expropriation

It is vital to check whether the item that you want to ship or deliver is compliant with the customs regulations of target country. This is mainly the responsibility of a sender so if the item gets expropriated and the traveler can prove it by uploading photos of relevant documents or of customs officers taking the item from traveler’s temporary possession, it is solely the sender who will have to deal with consequences.

Recipient refuses to confirm the delivery

Film it. The video of the recipient behaving in a hostile manner without any reason can prove your innocence. It is also important to insist on manual check when handing off the item and then, once again, make a video of the process. This way none can accuse you of damaging the item after the delivery was made and confirmed.

Negative Reviews

Unlike Airbnb, Shipit won’t ban a user on the premise of just one or two negative reviews. Such reviews will affect the user’s reputation but will not cause an immediate ban. However, if their number keeps growing, the user will eventually get banned permanently.

Any review can be appealed. This is when all relevant photos and videos mentioned above come in really handy as they can prove that the review is biased and unjust.

Wrong Item

To avoid any misunderstandings when handing off the item delivered as per a mail forwarding request, the requester should provide (and the traveler should make sure that this is done before accepting the request) distinguishable photo of the item or link to a website page with item via chat.

In general, it is useful to remember that life can be full of surprises. And not all of them are pleasant ones. Yet, even if something bad happens to your parcel or to you when you are making a delivery, keep calm and try to make a joke of it. Of course, a manual check for illegal items in a parcel is no joke and you should take it very seriously. In most case, however, everything can amended by honest and friendly communication and understanding.



Shipit Official - Crowdsourced Express Deliveries

Shipit is an app that connects senders and travelers around the globe and allows them to ship packages at lower costs and earn an extra dollar while traveling.