How we have improved the Candidate Rejection Experience at Intel using UX Research Techniques

Shira Ben-Cohen
6 min readJun 2, 2020


By Shira Ben-Cohen

Welcome to my 4th blogpost! I’m a passionate Talent Experience Researcher and Strategist working at Intel’s Global Talent Acquisition group. I believe a user-centered approach like Design Thinking and Service Design is the key to an in-depth organizational cultural change and shifting people’s mindsets.

Saying no is hard. It’s difficult for those who say it but even worse for those who hear it.

Candidates are people, not flat pieces of data captured on a resume. They have desires, dreams, experiences, and emotions. At the end of the day, candidates want experiences that match their expectations, that have been built up by their daily interaction with the consumer marketplace. They also have the need for human connections, to be seen and heard and to feel like unique individuals

Unfortunately in the Talent Aquisiotn space, we spend more time telling people no than getting to tell them yes. I think it's fair to say the industry has worked hard to improve the application process experience, the interview experience, and the onboarding experience however we have not done much to advance the experience at the most painful stages of the hiring process, candidate disposition.

Designing how we say no is imperative to the business success

As a Talent Acquisition program manager and a UX researcher who aims to improve our global talent acquisition groups’ ability to attract and hire the best talent for Intel, I am always on the lookout for the new industry trends, trendspotting for innovation and leading programs to enhance the hiring experience for our external customers ( candidates ) and to our internal customers and stakeholders ( recruiters and hiring managers) end to end.

In this article I am going to share with you my journey from discovering the need to improve the experience at its termination point through the new solution design process I conducted, the development of a core set of design principles and the final output they generated to create a new more human way to tell candidates no.

Ready? Let’s start

User Experience research focuses on understanding user expectations, behaviors, needs, and motivations through methodical, investigative approaches. Insights are then used to ensure that all product design decisions benefit the user.

And this is what I did 😊

Data collection and analysis — understanding our candidates

The understanding we need to improve the rejection experience didn’t come up in isolation, it arose clearly from the annual candidate survey we participated in designed by the Talent Board, this survey provided us tons of quantitative and qualitative data which I collected and synthesized. It was clear that a candidate’s experience was better in relation to how far the candidate progressed in our hiring process but then dropped down dramatically when a candidate was being dispositioned from our process.

Those red flags together with my researcher orientation and curiosity drove me to further investigate users to better understand and uncover what do our candidates feel, think and do when being informed that their candidacy is being removed.

Industry and competitors benchmark — feeling like a secret investigator

I went deeper. I explored everything written on the internet about “candidate disposition” I was surprised to find out that this area was hardly being discussed and treated in the industry, I wanted to learn from thought leaders about it but there wasn’t much content to consume.

Luckily I have an extensive network in the Talent Acquisition industry so I have met with friends and colleagues who lead recruiting functions in the most wanted companies and interviewed them about their rejection process, eager to learn best practices, how do they say no to candidates, when, what tool do they use and who is responsible for it in their org?

I asked my engineer friends to send me their past rejection notes from other companies and I captured critical elements that I liked and didn’t like for further use.

Empathy is a critical element, meet your customer for a coffee

It wasn’t enough for me to read about it or review survey dashboards, I wanted to hear real people talk about their feelings and motivations while being interviewed in other companies. I wanted to empathize with my customers, understanding how they feel so I have reached out to several colleagues and friends who I knew that they are in the job search journey and followed their experiences. I even captured one of them on video.

Generating empathy with the team before we start to ideate by showing them real candidates interview video

Analyzing data into insights and Experience Guiding Principles-

After collecting tons of data I continued and extract the data into insights, which I framed as Experience Guiding Principles. The guiding principles would serve as the north star to focus on as I worked to create a better way to say no.

1. Use a Human-Centric approach — As recruiting, processes become more automated, the importance of keeping human interaction at the center increases.

2. Focus on Experience- Experiences are something you feel and sense. How candidates feel about their recruiting experience is a competitive differentiator. People have the need to be seen and heard, they want to know where they stand and set expectations

3. Focus on Emotions to Drive Behaviors:- Human behavior is driven by emotions. We influence behavior by creating recruiting experiences that elicit emotions, you want your candidates to refer their friends? You want them to apply again? You have to build and maintain a relationship with them, and that means, thinking emotions in the business strategy you plan.

The experience guiding principles serve the larger team to ideate for solutions further in the design process.

Presentation of Insights-collaborate with holistic teams

Designing a new solution is not something you do alone in a vacuum, so my next step was to take the data and turn into three main personas, that represent different types of candidates, and share it with a holistic cross-functional team.

I conducted and lead a full-day design session focused on:

  • Generating empathy towards our candidates among the larger team
  • Presenting design research findings in a clear and organized fashion.
  • Envisioning the ideal User Journey using Service Design Blueprint
  • Gathering actionable recommendations moving forward
Starting to uncover the critical touchpoints for candidate rejection using service design blueprint

Strategy -turn the design into actionable recommendations

After working closely with the larger team, each is a subject matter expert in the recruiting world, we made a plan of action that included the following five steps:

  1. Training recruiters on the “Investment rule“, a framework that helps recruiters determine the best way to communicate, or engage, with candidates, which states: “The deeper into the process a candidate goes, the higher touch our communication back to the candidate, should be.”à we inserted this framework into our global training.
  2. Rewriting the “Thank you for applying “ notification in a more personal wayàif you apply for a job you’d get the revised version embedding all of our guiding principles in it
  3. Redesigning the entire rejection notifications sent out from our ATS ( Applicant Management System) -à See a real example below
  4. Implementing a new disposition rationale in our system– recruiters may now select a disposition reason that provides a more personalized message.
  5. Asking for candidate feedback — I designed and launched Intel’s first Candidate Experience Survey to help us collect ongoing customer feedback and assess our experienceà ( this requires an additional blog post haha 😊)

Our old rejection message:

An old notification example before we changed it: Not so personal, lack of empathy, CTA links weren’t updated

An example of one of our new rejection message:

How we apply Our Experience Guiding Principles in the new notifications

Falling in love with my job

One of my happiest moments this year was when I got an email from my peer showing me a letter from one of the candidates who received our new notification saying :

This made me smile:)

That was so exciting for me to hear. This authentic feedback made me fall in love with my job even more 😊

I hope you enjoyed reading my journey and learned something new! Leave me a comment ‘I’d love hearing your thoughts!

#UX #UserExperienceResearch #UXResearch#DesignThinking #ServiceDesign #TalentAquisition #RecruitmentMarketing



Shira Ben-Cohen

User Experience Researcher & Designer @ Intel ✈ #DesignThinking #ServiceDesign passionate! a coffee snob:)