Truth About Six Pack Abs Program Review

Shira William
1 min readJun 15, 2019


Mike Gary’s E-book HGH-X2 The Truth About Six Pack Abs is one of the most popular online Abs training programs that promises to help you get sexy abs. This E-book gives you a detailed information of exercises and special diets to show you how to build a six-pack fast. In this article, let me show you more about this program.

First, you must learn more about the author of Truth About Six Pack Abs Program — Mike Geary. He is a certified nutrition specialist and a certified personal trainer with over 10 years in experience. He claims that the secrets to get six pack abs is using his system that combines specific exercises and nutrition.

Michael believes that if you want to get a flat stomach, you will not only to workouts on your stomach but also on your full body such as triceps, biceps, shoulder, back etc. This is very important because only doing abdominal exercise will not help you develop six pack abs. You need to focus on 3 different exercises: cardio, weightlifting and ab exercises.

Doing cardio will able to help you lose the extra fat, which will help you see your 6 abs minus the layer of fat on top. The second type of exercise that you need to do is strength training. Research has proven that doing weight training and cardio together burns more fat than cardio alone. Michael only requires you to takes 5–7 minutes per given day, and only twice per week!

