2FA, Encryption & More | Security features that have helped businesses take control of their documents.

Shiraz Ahmed
3 min readMay 24, 2022


GLOBODOX provides plenty of document management features like document scanning, automated indexing, OCR & more, but it is the protection that we provide for your documents, from all kinds of internal & external threats, that make us one of the most sought after document management systems in the world.

Rather than detailing every security feature & its benefits (something we have done countless times *yawns*), here are a few case studies from the GLOBODOX vault to tell you what we do.

Minting coins but losing money? GLOBODOX to the rescue.

GLOBODOX has provided document management solutions to businesses from all walks of life, including construction & hospitality conglomerates, government bodies, export firms, and even a world-renowned space agency, but when we were asked to become a globally renowned minting firm’s first level of defence, we knew it was special. The firm was losing money due to an overwhelming volume of physical records & delays in supervisor approvals. They wanted a tool that would act as a single point of access for their entire organization, that also provided a mechanism to automate document approvals at every step while allowing the managers to control access to important & sensitive information. And if you know GLOBODOX, you know that’s what we do.

We got on board as soon as we could and assisted the organization to set up & transfer all their physical & digital records into GLOBODOX. We then helped them create their own custom document approval workflows that reduced their approval delays by more than 50%, and also helped them create security labels that allowed them to control access to document information from select team members. And needless to say, the partnership was a huge success.

You can’t fight floods, fires or tornadoes, but you can protect your business from them.

Back during the early days of GLOBODOX, we came across a municipal organization that was in dire need of a digital transformation. Their office filing cabinets were stacked to the brim, and one of their subordinate bodies (in a neighboring county) had just lost a lot of valuable paperwork due to a once in a lifetime flood. When we approached them for the first time, they didn’t seem too keen on spending those extra few dollars on the software they didn’t understand. But when we showed them how GLOBODOX could help avoid the downsides of a flood-like situation and how it could reduce costs & daily paperwork hours, they agreed to give us a try.

We helped them understand how GLOBODOX’s backup & archiving feature protected their documents from flood-like calamities, and how easy it was to get GLOBODOX set up for their entire team using our Windows active directory integration. We also gave them a demo on how they could use hierarchical security groups to give users access to documents based on their designation & department, and how they could encrypt entire documents or redact/hide certain personal & financial information from documents.

How to get started with GLOBODOX?

Over the past few years, GLOBODOX has upgraded its security system to tackle the newer challenges presented to our users. With the latest security additions like two-factor authentication, a more powerful encryption system, secure cloud-based storage, multi-layered event logs & regular security updates, GLOBODOX is now more secure than ever, and so are your documents. And if you too want to gain complete control of your information & upgrade your document security, visit www.globodox.com or take our 30-day free trial.

