Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

4 min readJan 16, 2023
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Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a book by Max Tegmark, a renowned physicist and AI expert. The book explores the potential implications of artificial intelligence and its impact on humanity and offers a vision for a future where humans and AI coexist in harmony.

In the book, Tegmark argues that the development of AI represents a fundamental shift in the evolution of life on Earth, one that he calls “Life 3.0”. The first two stages of life, according to Tegmark, are biological evolution (Life 1.0) and cultural evolution (Life 2.0). Life 3.0, however, is the era of artificial intelligence, where machines and algorithms are able to think, learn, and make decisions on their own.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

Isaac Asimov

Tegmark contends that the development of AI has the potential to bring about many positive changes for humanity, such as solving some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as climate change, poverty, and disease. He also believes that AI could help to improve our lives in countless ways, from self-driving cars to personalized medical treatments.

However, Tegmark also acknowledges that the development of AI also poses many risks and challenges for humanity. He argues that it’s important to have a plan in place to ensure that AI is used for the betterment of society and not to our detriment. He suggests investing in research and development, safety and ethical guidelines, and retraining programs, in order to ensure that AI is aligned with human values and that it serves human interests.

When you have the world’s first superintelligent AI working for you, you’re better off investing in your own companies than in those of others!

AI dramatically disrupted the economy, and over the years to come, they gradually replaced most of the workers in manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, retail, construction, mining, agriculture, forestry, and fishing.

The Omegas had launched a media company not only to finance their early tech ventures but also for the next step of their audacious plan: taking over the world.

Phase 1 of their news strategy was gaining people’s trust, which they did with great success.

phase 2 of their news strategy: persuasion. Even before this, astute observers had noticed hints of a political agenda behind the new media: there seemed to be a gentle push toward the center, away from extremism of all sorts.

Technology is giving life the potential to flourish like never before — or to self-destruct.

Omega-controlled companies therefore marketed online courses about virtually everything, highly customized not only by language and cultural background but also by starting level. Whether you were an illiterate forty-year-old wanting to learn to read or a biology Ph.D. seeking the latest about cancer immunotherapy, Prometheus had the perfect course for you.

If we don’t know what we want, we’re unlikely to get it.

What do you personally prefer, and why?

  1. Do you want there to be superintelligence?
  2. Do you want humans to still exist, be replaced, synergized, and/or uploaded/simulated?
  3. Do you want humans or machines in control?
  4. Do you want AIs to be conscious or not?
  5. Do you want to maximize positive experiences, minimize suffering or leave this to sort itself out?
  6. Do you want life spreading into the cosmos?
  7. Do you want a civilization striving toward a greater purpose that you sympathize with, or are you OK with future life forms that appear content even if you view their goals as pointlessly banal?

Our Cosmic Endowment: The Next Billion Years and Beyond

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Our speculation ends in a super civilization, the synthesis of all solar-system life, constantly improving and extending itself, spreading outward from the sun, converting nonlife into mind.

In conclusion, Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a thought-provoking book that provides a fresh perspective on the potential implications of artificial intelligence and its impact on humanity. It offers a vision for a future where humans and AI coexist in harmony, and highlights the importance of investing in research, safety, and ethical guidelines to ensure that AI is aligned with human values and serves human interests.

